Have anideaforastoy? We WM humour@theotherpress.ca (¥Y Party in the USA ( Short privilege (¥ Update: Nice guy gets heartbroken And more! The Bachelor picks both finalists > First time reality show ends in polygamy he would give the polygamous lifestyle a try to keep JoJo around. “I want to keep her in my life,” he said of JoJo. “I don’t want to say goodbye because that’s how much I love her. Besides, if people are alright with getting guilty pleasure out of watching a man date and dump 20 women over the course of 3 months, they should be alright with some casual polygamy, right?” While this is a first for The Bachelor, the show’s producers felt it was best to continue on as planned, including the hour long episode of “Life After The Bachelor” which Chandler Walter Bachelor Fan i an unprecedented turn of events during this Monday’s finale of The Bachelor, Ben Higgins shocked the TV watching world by deciding to spend the rest of his life with both finalists of the reality show. Throughout the season, Higgins had been struggling to send a woman home each week, and down to the very end, it was clear he was in love with both Lauren B and JoJo. So much so that he even voiced his feelings to each woman in turn, a first ever 6 aired directly after the finale. in The Bachelor history. His 5 “We were skeptical at love for both placed him in 3 first,” said the show’s host, an awkward situation. 2 Chris Harrison. “But honestly, Following that precedent of J 2 who really cares at this point? never-before-seen TV, Higgins ee Most of these couple don’t then went on to smuggle a too good to walk away from,” goodbye to one more girlfriend tried to concentrate and make even stay together for that second rose to the final rose Higgins explained in an interview in the span of a few months was each relationship its own and long anyways. And it made ceremony, proposing to both after both women said yes. just too much to accomplish. stay open to the process. Asa for damn good television. If women at the same time, Higgin explained that it “T did fall in love with result, this is where it’s left us.” only he would’ve picked Olivia with two different rings. was the dynamics of the show two women during this,” he Higgins did admit that it and Lace for this, now THAT “I love both of them. They’re that ultimately led him to this admitted. “Going into this I was Lauren B. that he planned would have hiked the ratings!” conclusion, and that saying didn’t think I could. But I really on marrying, but decided that Avid gym goer admits he really just enjoys counting > His entire persona has been a sham there is something odd about his favourite hobby, many gym-goers who know him appreciate his presence. “Oh yeah? Jimmy? Great guy,’ said self-proclaimed hashtag fitness freak Biff Legdaze. “A little too eager to spot for us, though. He’s always trying to get us to do just one more set. Always makes sure to count out loud for ya too, which is appreciated.” Wrat has noticed a significant improvement in his counting strength since he joined the gym in January, and though he has given up on his new year’s resolution to “pick up and put down the heavy stuff” as he puts it, he is more than eager to stay a member for all the number building he’s been doing. “Sometimes I do a whole bunch of math right before I go,” Wrat said. “It gets me nice and Chandler Walter Humour Editor Wee many go to the local gym to pump some sweet, sweet iron and get a wicked swole on, Jim Wrat found himself frequenting the mirrored sweat factory for completely different reasons. “T just... I just love counting,” Wrat admitted when the Other Press tried to interview him about his workout habits. “I don’t know what it is, I just get this sweet, sweet burn whenever I count up to 10.” Wrat found that counting to himself at home did not hold the same joy that going to the gym allowed him. “It’s just not the same at home, you don’t get the same intense feeling. Maybe I just need to be doing 7 ) Image via thinkstock it in front of other people. I \ tried just staying at home and . Pour way further than [usual counting, but I quit after my Wrat admits that the “Man, the other day I was some lifts beside this really would beable to without my y first set. | started watching gym offers other incentives counting some... what do you cute girl. It made my counting ine. And th other people count on YouTube for doing hi i h Lit wh ke the h i pre-count out routine. “Ane then g his counting at the call it when you make the heavy even more amazing. I counted after, its nice to cool off witha instead. Enjoyable, but just not fitness centre, rather than thing not be on the ground right up to 15, to impress her.” bit of backwards counting. to the same sense of satisfaction.” an at home count-out. anymore? Oh yea, counting While Wrat realizes that 6 stretch out the mind muscles.”