. & - « —-- / STIFF 9 ten HOT DESERT SV OT ol Just like the lede says... ",,.And Justice for All" is a myth. It simply is not a reality as certain groups are painfully aware. One of these groups are the Lil’wat people and another is The Peace pers at Robson Art Gallery. A Chief Justice authorized injunctions to remove both groups. Both groups are in opposition to the polices of an aged white upper class establishment. This same privileged group dominates the courts and has via this judge, attempted to eliminate it’s opponents. The same judge that has ordered the removal of the Lil’wat people from their land has also ordered the removal of the Robson Peace Camp from public land(their land). The effects of these injunctions are dangerous.Justice is being circumvented as the Lil’ wat land is occupied and the land where their shamans and holy leaders are buried is allowed to be desecrated. This act is reminiscent of Oka and an indicator that the government has _ learned nothing from Oka. The message - has been sent to native people that their land can be occupied by the Canadian state irregardless of whether it is sovereign territory(Lil’ wat land) or not.Armed conflict may now be inevitable. At the Robson Peace Camp, a group that opposes armed conflict as a means of resolving disputes has met yet another obstacle from their opposition. INVONED First, an early morning wake up call by six police officers bearing rules designed to stop the 24 hour peace vigil taking place. Two thirds of the "rules" were later struck when their legal validity was ialied In the first few moments of the next day city employees hospitalized a peace camper as they were attempting to destroy the camp. Mayor Campbell voted against meeting with the Peace Camp to resolve the situation. Now the same judge responsible for the Lil’wat injunction has passed an injunction that in it’s efforts to restrict freedom of expression has cast a net wide enough to catch everyone. It is frightening to consider that as Canada engages in war on foreign soil for the first time in over twenty years we are on the verge of civil war. The courts have demonstrated that only certain groups are entitled to justice. By removing forms of peaceful protest, the only option left is violence. These decisions that have been made in order to preserve the status quo may well wind up promoting internal strife.The Judge that has passed these injunctions may soon have blood on his hands.The red on the Canadian flag may soon be all too appropriate. He’s back.... and he’s angry I was asked to give you my opinion, and since who am I to refuse someone my opinion here you are. Go and Fuck right off...ok?!!!!! Matthew Martin Think on Valentine’s Day As you celebrate Valentine’s day,. we know you probably won't be making up a Valentine for everyone in all of your classes like you used to when you were in elementary school, but you probably will be making one for a special someone this week. When you do that, it may be prudent for you to take a look at what love actually is. When you're signing your name to the card, remember how much people go through for love. People die for love. In Ireland a Protestant dies for loving a Catholic. A white woman in Georgia is beaten for having a black child. A Jewish man is criticized by his family for marring outside his faith. There are couples here at Douglas that could be beaten for sending each other Valentines. The lesbian, gay, and bisexual contingent on this campus has every right to show their love and affection for each other this Thursday. But they will hide their love, as per usual. They realize to be homosexual at Douglas is asking for abuse. The graffiti on the washroom stalls is enough to prove that. Why is homosexual love less than any other love? Love is when someone dies for an ideal . Love is two lesbians touching each other in the dark. There is love between two men holding hands, just because they are friends. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people didn’t have to go through all that pain and suffering for love’s sake? If we could overcome our prejudices, we could love people for who they are, rather then what they are. If we could celebrate this Love, then maybe the world would not be full of all the hate and violence and war. Maybe we should send the world a Valentine. She probably needs to know she’s loved right now. the Other Press Tories fuck themselves over for once Soooo..... don’t you just have to laugh? A bunch of predominantly white male Senators, all hyped up about little fetuses, strike down an abortion bill because it doesn’t shackle down women quite as much as they'd like. Meanwhile, the federal government is in so much shit already, it doesn’t dare impose a new bill, for fear of coming in lower on the polls than the Manson family. End result - The lack of an abortion bill for about four years will most likely entrench a woman’s right to choose. If the world doesn’t implode after four years, the judges may see no reason to have any bill at all. It’s a wonderful day in the neighbourhood. Tim Crumley Wanted: More Love Love is a very powerful thing. Martin Luther King Jr. said that "Love is the only force that can change an enemy into a friend". Christ, Buddha, Gandhi are among those that have spoken about love and displayed it’s power. Sadly, this Valentines Day most of the world is praticising hate and war, not peace and love. I myself am not deterred from loving fellow human beings. They are members of my global family and I believe in Reverend King’s dream. I do not practice hate. No challenge. It’s too easy to hate. Love takes something special. To love someone is more challenging, more rewarding, and takes more courage than hating someone. Why do we continually hit instead of hug? Why can’t heterosexual men feel comfortable expressing physical affection for other men? The answer to the first question is a mystery. The answer to the last question is homophobia. I don’t practice homophobia. I regulary hug and kiss my male friends to show my affection. I’m more afraid of myself if I can’t show love for others openly, than if I might be gay. I know that when I hug or kiss a male friend I’m expressing a strong platonic love for a delice person. Men have got a lot of problems with their inability to love others openly. It is any LOVE" wonder that in a world run men there is rampant violence We need to examine matriarc societys for answers. We need start listening to pacifists. Wi need to start hugging an kissing instead of attempting t crush each others hand whil shaking it. "All we need i One final note-Why do we have only one day devoted to} love??? Peace and Love, Angus Adair 5, 5 4 Don’t waste your » money. Become a stinking journalist Just think. How much money do you spend on this} paper, anyways? It works out to about 30 cents an issue. Not bad. But you really are wasting your money by not writing for the Other Press. You can get really good things by coming) down here. You can get a job. People who write for the Other Press end up writing for a living. Strange, but true. Who would ever imagine that the people who embrace colourful turns of; phrase like "money grubbing{ assholes" would ever become working writers? It happens. This place is a regular breeding ound for gonzo journalists and some other life forms). You get to get free stuff too. | We gave away 6 albums today. People write stories for them, and get the albums. It happens with other stuff too. It’s a good way to save money. And if you happen to get stuck with the Riot Squad while doing a demo, your press card’s a lifesaver. tetany ineus Armpit