PSS SS March 6, 1981 news The Other Press page eleven “ 4 LIE ALO LOL TE OL TT Te OS A ay: Re a A A I E] Salvador One thousand people marched through Vancou- ver, Saturday, in protest of American intervention in El Salvador. by Carol Pope The stream of people marched over the Granville Street bridge to the Pacific Press building to draw at- tention to ‘‘The lies of the media’’ regarding the El Salvadorian situation. “The media lies while thousands die’’, chanted the marchers who carried pla- cards and banners which condemned the intervention of the United States in El Salvador. Led by four men carrying a coffin “‘to represent the thousands of innocent ‘peo- ple who have died at the hands of the U.S. backed military junta’’, the police- escorted marchers left rob- son Square after a_ short rally beginning at 1:00 p.m. The march was in res- ponse to the Revolution Democratic Front’s (FDR) call for ‘‘solidarity with the Salvadorian people’s strug- gle for liberation’’. ‘“‘Canada’s External Af- fairs Minister, Mark MacGuigan recently flip- flopped on his El Salvador position by retracting an earlier statement about gra- ve concern regarding U.S. intervention,’’. says the FDR. The FDR has called for demonstrations to pressure the Canadian federal go- vernment to recognize the FDR as the only official representatives of the Sal- vadorian people as nearly fifty countries have already done. In Mexico, 100: ,000 peo- ple marched for the FDR as did 15,000 in West Ger- many and many in the U.S. President Ronald Reagan recently promised to increa- se U.S. military aid and ad- visors to El Salvador’s go- vernment. The FDR claims that the U.S. backed junta has been responsible for 13,000 mur- ders including those of Oscar Romero, arch bishop of San Salvador, six FDR leaders and four nuns. El Salvador could become another Viet-nam if the U.S. does not cease inter- vention,’’ says FDR solida- rity group member, Jane Kalmikuff. The FDR is a coalition of solidarity. groups, small- business people, liberals, social-democrats, commu- nists and sections of the Catholic Church. 9-4 Book Sale Douglas College libraries announces the a clearance sale of 5,000 used books Coquitlam Campus — Fri.., March 13, Sat., March 14 9- noon COLTS MILD Pe vine oom Crack a pac along with the books.|