LEARNING EXPERIENCES IN CONTINUING EDUCATION. (1) Learning experiences are designed to facilitate the role of the learner and are organized in such a manner as to provide for appropriate continuity, sequencing, and integration of the program/activity to achieve the specified learning outcomes. (2) The state- ments of intended learning outcomes of a continuing education program/activity determine the selection of instructional strategies, instructional materials, media and other learning technology, and create an appropriate learning environment. (3) Program content, instructional materials, and delivery processes are relevant and timely for achieving intended learning outcomes. (4) Instructional staff in continuing education programs/activities are qualified by education or experience to provide quality instruction in the subject-matter area. (5) The physical environment for the continuing education program/activity is conducive to learning. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES. Continuing education programs/activities are evaluated through assessment of learners’ performance in terms of intended learning outcomes. CONTINUING EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION. (1) Each continuing education provider has a clearly written statement of its mission, which is available to the publics served. (2) The continuing education provider has appropriate, sufficient, and stable human, fiscal and physical resources to provide quality programs/activities over an extended period of time. (3) The continuing education provider's promotion and advertising provide full and accurate disclosures about its programs, services, and fees. (4) The continuing education provider ensures the maintenance of a set of limited-access permanent records of participants and the provision of docu- mentation for accurate, readily available transcripts. (5) The continuing education provider makes available to participants recognition and documentation of achievement of learning outcomes specified for the continuing education program/activity. (6) The continuing education provider ensures that appropriate quality control sys- tems are in place and in use within its organization. How to Use the Principles The Principles of Good Practice in Continuing Education may be used in a variety of ways by all sponsors, pro- viders and users of continuing education and training as a standard reference document, depending upon the purpose, scope and nature of the organization, agency or institution. Possible uses are: * As a guideline for the organization, development and administration of a continuing education/training operation. As a guideline for associations and organizations in selecting providers of learning experiences for their constituents. As a guideline for providers of learning experiences in the design, development, conduct and assessment of their offerings. As a reference document for regulatory, accrediting and licensing agencies. As a source document for organizations and associations in the development of their own standards of con- tinuing education and training. As a guide to consumers in evaluating proposed learning experiences. * These principles have been developed by the Council on the Continuing Education Unit as a public service for the improvement of quality of continuing education and training. The Council encourages the adoption and use of these principles by all who are involved in designing and offering educational experiences. For further information, contact Ronald Gross, Director, The Lifelong Learning Forum, 17 Myrtle Drive, Great Neck, NY 11021. Suanne D. Roueche, Editor July 20, 1984, VOL. VI, NO. 20 INNOVATION ABSTRACTS is a publication of the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development, EDB 348, The University of Texas at Austin, Ausun, Texas 78712, (512) 471-7545. Subscriptions are available to nonconsortium members for $35 per year. Funding in part by the W/ K. Kellogg Foundation. Issued weekly when classes are in session during fall and spring terms and bimonthly during summer months. The University of Texas at Austin, 1984 Further cluplicdtion is permitted only by MEMBER institutions for their own personnel ISSN 0199-106X