IG! A Pa! WUUGLAO erat MAD HATTER PAGE 3 mY Ieee Nr AL iA ARCHIVES WOMEN'S CENTRE FIIM The Douglas College Women's Centre is pleased to present a screening of the film NOT A LOVE STORY - a film about Pornography on Wednesday, March 10 at McBride Site, Room N308abcd at 1830 hours. "NOT A LOVE STORY is a thought-provok- ing, emotional chronicle of two women - Bonnie Sherr Klein, filmmaker and Linda Lee Tracey, a Montreal stripper. Together they set out to explore the world of peep shows, strip joints and sex supermarkets. Although their backgrounds are very different, both are motivated by a desire to know more about pornography - why it exists, what forms it takes, and how it af- fects relations between men and women. NOT A LOVE STORY, by the very nature of its subject, contains some sexually explicit scenes. While these may be embarrassing and, in some cases, shocking, none has been used grat- | Uitously. No amount of verbal de- scription could adequately recreate the impact of the images themselves. Only by seeing them can the viewer begin to fully realize the enormous impact of pornographic imagery on our society. - National Film Board" Douglas College faculty, staff, stu- dents, and administration are welcome, however, this screening is open to WOMEN ONLY. Time will be allowed fol- lowing the screening of the film to permit viewers to share and discuss their reactions, if they wish. For more information, please contact Marian Exmann in the Women's Centre at McBride Site, Local 260. SOME PIANO INFORMATION Most modern pianos, made since 1900 or so, use conventional parts which are still available, except for certain ex- perimental designs which have been dis- continued. Modern pianos may be clas- sified in two distinct types: 'grands' and 'verticals'. Grands have the sound- board and strings positioned horizont- ally over the floor, while verticals have the soundboard and strings posi- tioned vertically. There are three types of vertical pianos. The type is determined by the relative location of certain parts, which is gov- erned in turn by the height of the cab- inet. The upright piano has the mechan- ism or action located a distance above the keys, requiring extensions called stickers to connect the keys to the ac- tion. The console piano, or studio upright, is of medium height, having the action mounted directly over the keys without stickers. The spinet piano (pronounced spin'et) is the least tall of the vert- icals, with the action partially or completely below the keys. Spinets have drop stickers extending downward from the keys to connect them to the action. In summary, a modern piano is either a grand or a vertical, and if a vertical, either an upright, console or spinet. Other adjectives are often attached to piano names. ‘These classify the piano according to size, wood finish, or cab- inet disign. All modern uprights have stickers.