‘MAD HATTER PAGE 3 DOUGLAS COLLEGE _ ARCHIVES 22 | ae fram r Congratulations are in arder to both stu- dents and faculty of the General Nursing and Dental Assisting Programs for the excellent results achieved in the Nation- al Nursing Registration Examination and the Certified Dental Assisting Examina- tion. All of the candidates from both programs passed with flying colours. Ed Redmond Dean of Applied Programs ‘MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS The Music Department is pleased to an- nounce the institution of two new schol- arships available to music students. | The music faculty have initiated two "faculty awards", one for theory/history | and one for perfarmance. This fund de- rives its support fram an annual con- lar music faculty mem— r, we are pleased to announce suc— eaetol application to the Leon and Theo Koerner Foundation. ‘That application re- sulted in a $600. 00 contribution for music scholarships. This will provide seed money for the Alumni Award Fund which is to make awards on the basis of achievement in performance. The mechanics for application and/or selection will be resolved immanently. | David Driscoll The annual Christmas Concert by Douglas College Chorus will be held at Queens Avenue United Church, 529 Queens Avenue, New Westminster on cada December 5, | _ abuse on operators. 1982 at 8:00 p.m. This year the College Chorus will be joined by Douglas College | Community Choir and Children's Choir. ! | Everyone is welcome. Admission is free. Recently two PABX Operators have broken down under stress. Some stress on this job is normal, but abuse > of operators has recently increased. A faculty member recently blasted an operator for being ARD OPERATORS - STRESS/ABUSE kept on hold at a time when the board. | was very busy. The faculty member did not accept the explanation of the oper- ator but continued abuse of the operator. At busier times. uring the day there will be delays on the board. Such delays should not be cause for anyone to heap As we move into the new building some unfamiliarity with the new system may ! give rise to some cause for annoyance. Everyone will have to became familiar with the system and accept a reduction in Oper- ating efficiency until everyone is profic- | jient. Delays at busier times will still occur and rudeness and abuse will only still further reduce service. ! Cooperation and understanding of all in sessing ES burden on operators and limitations of any communication system loaded to capacity, will be required. WORK OF MS. JOY LEACH Ms. Joy Leach is the Resource Development Officer at Malaspina College. She has agreed to visit Douglas College on ‘Thursday, December 2. Joy will present