MEMO 3 TO: All Employees FROM: Supervisor of Personnel Admin. RE: Vacancy - ADMISSIONS STENO Effective 1 October 1974 the following position will be available on the Surrey Campus. Position: Admissions Stenographer Classification: Stenographer 11 Salary: $575.00 - $669.00 The job description for this position is posted on all Staff Notice Boards. if no applicants fully meet the Pre- requisites, appointment may be made at a lower classification level. In keeping with our policy of filling vacancies from within our staff when- ever possible, we invite applications from ail qualified employees who are Interested in being considered for this position. If you wish to apply for this position, you should advise the Supervisor of Personne] Administration in writing by 23 September 1974. Quote Position Title used In this advertisement. ‘Ae: Peeiick ee G: Laut ie Supervisor of Personnel Administration DOUGI.AS COLLEGE LIBRARY, ot View f Ro mat HIVES | Sponsored ag | ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE and CENTRE FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION - The University of British Columbia. | WISH TO ENROL IN THE EVENTS CHECKED fy Teaching Adults October 4-5 _AE2005 - $28 [_ ]Sroup Leadership Skills October 18-19 AE2006 - $28 Lae ne for Adult Learners October 29 AE2007 - $15 [_ ]!dentifying Training Needs November 5 & 12 AE2008 - $28 [_]anagement Interviewing and conse Skills November 7-8, December 6 201). -$150_ Attitude Structure and Change November 13 AE2009- $15__ Conference Organization and Leadership ; O December 6-7 AE2010 $25 TOTAL FEE ENCLOSED §$ Make ene: payable to ‘University of British Columbia’ Name Mailing Address: Postal Code, . Telephone. Your job or typeof agency Please register as early as possible by mat! or reserve a place by telephoning (604) 228-2181 -and ask for Local 228. Courses with insufficient earelaent will be . cancelled (with fuil refund of fees paid), Your early registration: or reservation hetps us provide adequate materials and facilities and wilt fessen the chance of cancellation. RR = eet i Beets aime i he ae a fecha pr mere /4,