BILL OF STUDENT RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO STANDARDIZED TESTING*AND RESEARCH AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE The following rights only apply to standardized testing and research projects involving students outside the context of approved course outlines or threshold admission requirements. 1. A student has the right to be informed in advance of the purpose(s) of standardized tests and/or research that he is asked to partici- pate in; 2. Any student has the right to refuse to participate in, standardized testing and /or research without fear of penalty; 3. A student has the right to be informed of any possible physical or psychological hazard involved in his/her participation in the testing and/or research; 4, At any time, it is a student's right to withdraw, without explanation, from a testing and/or research project; 5. A student has the right to know the findings and possible uses of test and/or research results; 6. A student has the right to request and receive an interpretation of his/her own test results from a qualified counsellor or psychologist; 7. Individual student standardized test results may be used by the researcher; however, he/she will not release any individual's results to another person or agency without the student's written permission. *Standardized tests are tests that have been empirically developed, usually by specialists, for more extensive use than by the test-writer himself. The test content is set, the directions prescribed, the scoring procedure specified and there is evidence of validity and reliability as well as norms. Such tests include standardized aptitude and achievement instruments, diagnostic and evaluative devices, interest inventories, personality inventories, projective instruments and related clinical techniques, and many kinds of personal history forms. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OVERT OR INDIRECT INFRINGEMENT ON THESE RIGHTS AS OUTLINED ABOVE AND NEED ASSISTANCE IN DECIDING AN APPROPRIATE COURSE OF ACTION, YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT A COUNSELLOR ON YOUR HOME CAMPUS SO THAT YOU MAY BE INFORMED OF AN APPROPRIATE COURSE OF ACTION.