INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 8, 1990 Letter to the Editor number of faculty and staff have indicated interest in a “repeat” of the College Assembly, held Wednesday, April 25th. If I receive a proposal for a specific date, I will do my best to provide such a session. In any case, faculty and staff members who were not able to at- tend may be interested in a videotape of the proceedings which is now on deposit in the library. Comment, criticism and sug- gestion from any individuals or groups will be most welcome, and will be reviewed with the Gover- nance Review Committee, provid- ing that they are received by Friday, May 11, 1990. Following that date, I will review any material received with the Committee, and proceed to im- plement the revised system, effec- tive September 1, 1990. Bill Day OPEN HOUSE ’90!! Who Students, staff, faculty When Friday, November 16 and Saturday, November 17 (The last open house was seven years ago in 1983) Where New Westminster campus Why: To celebrate our 20th anniversary - the College officially opened its doors on Nov. 19, 1970. ‘To create public awareness about the College and its programs. To showcase our accomplishinents to colleagues within the College and to members of the community. Low Each department will be encouraged to create and construct exhibits, displays or activities designed to educate, entertain and enlighten visitors. Wherever possible visitors will be given the opportunity to gain hands on experience. Aside from the displays, there will be a number of special events. Major attractions will include live entertainment featuring theatre and music students and sports events. How _you can participate: The Open House committee - made up of representatives from every department - is now forming smaller working committees to facilitate general planning. We’re looking for people like you to become involved in the following committees: Publicity and Promotion Food and Beverages Opening Ceremony Entertainment Facilities and Services Volunteer recruitment If you're interested in getting involved in Open House °90, please call Marilyn Assaf or Amy Yu in the Public Information Office at local 5325 or local 5324. We look forward to your support! Inside Douglas College is published weekly September through April and bi-monthly May through August by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. Submissions are accepted typewritten or on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5323, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2. Open House continued from page 1 people should be given the opportunity to gain hands-on experience.” Departments and disciplines have until June 15th to submit proposals for the Open House to the Public Information Office, room 4840. The Open House committee will review the proposals on a first- come-first-served basis and allocate money to help fund suitable projects. Proposal forms are available in the Public Information Office. Aside from the exhibits and displays, there will be a number of events scheduled to entertain the thousands of visitors expected on cam- pus during Open House. Major attractions will include live entertain- ment staged by the College’s theatre and music students, and sporting events in the gymnasium by physical education students. If anyone has any comments or suggestions, or would like to help plan Open House ’90, call Marilyn Assaf in the PIO, local 5325. ™