ing admissions. Our dramatically improved physical facili- ties should be of considerable assistance in allowing us to serve more students. Decisions regarding enrollments will not be made arbitrarily, but within our tradi tion- al pattern of consultation and joint deci- sion making. I am confident that final de- cisions will reflect sound judgment. Because increasing the volume of registra- tion per class or program will in some cases fall far short of meeting total student de- mand, I will be requesting permssion of the Board to make a special allocation of funds from the "“one-time-only"™ surplus developed over our last year of operations, in order to allow additional students to be regist- ered in both the Academic and Applied Pro- grams Divisions. These funds would be placed at the disposal of the Dean of Academic, and the Acting Dean of Applied Programs, and will be made avail- able on an "as required" basis at registra- tion, where no educationally defensible al- ternatives are available. Bill Day POLICY REVIEW OVERTIME, REPLACEMENTS ETC. I have made the following request of the Deans and Bursar, in regard to control of our budget, which must remain under very tight contro] for the remainder of the year. OVERTIME: Overtime shall not be requested of any employee except in emergency situa- tion. Such overtime will be approved only by the appropriate Dean, the Bursar, Super- intendent of Physical Plant and Site Ser- vices, or the President. Payroll forms showing overtime will be processed only when countersigned by a person with that level of authority. REPLACEMENTS: No position will be replaced automatically. The supervising administra- tor will rejustify the position to their MAD HATTER PAGE 2 \ supervisor. Alternatives to full time 12 month positions should be examined. All employees before requesting or approving travel should assess the val- ue associated with the expenditure. This includes not only long distance travel, but also travel within the College region. TRAVEL: | BANKED HOURS: Supervisors are requested to ensure that banked time is taken during © off peak times, such as during the summer. I am requesting that any banked time pay- outs at the end of the fiscal year be re- ported to me by the payroll department, in order that I can make an inquiry. VACATIONS: Requests for vacation time should be carefully examined, with an eye to impact on College operations, given a "no replacemnt" policy. I suggest that em- ployees should be encouraged to take vaca- tion during off peak times. | | AUXILIARY EMPLOYMENT: The hiring of aux- | jliaries will be restricted to areas of positions that must be staffed because of operations. For example, the switchboard is an area that cannot be allowed to "go down". The hiring of auxiliaries for vaca- tion or other replacement should be abso- lutely minimal. BOOKSTORE: During registration and peak periods, some departments of the College will be subject to requests to assist in the Bookstore for short periods of time. | PHOTOCOPYING: Photocopies should be lim- ited in run, to those who actually will use the copies. Longer runs should be sent to the Print Shop on the first floor. TELEPHONE: The College's long distance telephone bill is staggering. No personal long distance calls are to be charged to the College, and College related long dis- | tance calls should be planned and short. Long distance calls that replace travel are | encouraged, including conference calls. Watch future editions of this publication | for an announcement about new control mea- sures to be initiated by the Director of :