UNIVERSITY CF ALBERTA SESSIONAL APPOINIMENT The Department of Educational Foundations, University of Alberta will be making a sess- ional appointment in the area of History of Education in Canada. The major duties associated with the position will involve the coordination of a large multiple section in- troductory course on the History of Ed- ucation in Canada. Teaching responsibilities include lecturing in this introductory course with some additional course work at the senior undergraduate level. ‘The success- ful applicant will also be expected to assume editorial responsibilities in the preparation of the book of readings for the introductory course. The appointment will be for the period Sept- ember 1, 1981 to April 30, 1982 and will carry with it a salary of not less than $15,000.00 for the eight month period. Applicants should have appropriate academic qualifications and successful teaching ex- perience at a uiversity level. A letter of application, together with a curriculum ~itae and the names of two referees, should be sent to: Dr. P.J. Miller, Chairman Department of Educational Foundations Faculty of Education University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G5 Closing date for applications is April 30, 1981. INSTRUCTOR'S DIPLOMA PROGRAM D.R. MacRae of the Ministry of Education ad- vises that, effective April 1, 1981, ap- plicants for the above program should sub- mit their application for admission to the Program Director at the Centre for Continuing Education, U.B.c. Formally, all initial in- quiries and applications for admission were submitted to the Post-Secondary Department of the Ministry of Education. This change in procedure is to facilitate a MAD HATTER PAGE 2 INSTRUCTOR'S DIPLOMA - CONT' more efficient processing of in- quiries and applications. The purpose and definition of the pro- gram and the sponsorship of the program by the Ministry of Ed- ucation remains unchanged. The admissions requirements have not been altered. Potential applicants are advised to submit their inquiries and applications to the following: Instructor's Diploma Program Centre for Continuing Education University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 Films Game Survival 16nm This film, made by the Game Conservancy in England, describes studies of game birds (partridge and pheasant) and waterfowl in the face of modern agricultural methods and other human pressures on the countryside. Though these studies are conducted in England they are relevant to areas under similar pressures in B.C., especially the Fraser and Okanagan Vallies. This film is especially suitable for ecology classes and the Core Pro- gram. (Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education) The 30 Second Dream - 16mm color A carefully selected collection of contemporary TV conmercials. The movie, through a montage of images and offscreen naration, reveals the power of advertising. It shows how this is used to play on our hopes and fears and concerns about Intimacy, Family, Vitality and Success. DISTR. Mas Media Ministries 1977.