6, ie GLAS COLieee +, } awe WER, Beh net SEBS ¥ ARCHIVES trom Udmessime fe Yooetsr 3 COURSE CHANGES, CANCELLATIONS, ETC. In order to keep class lists, master timetable, course table and other Admissions Office documents up-to-date, would you please make sure that all course change information is submitted to Eloise Lincicum, Surrey Admissions, on C-30 forms as soon as possible. ROOM CHANGE INFORMATION AND ROOM BOOKINGS Please be informed that as of January 28, 1974. all of the above functions will be assumed by the campus receptionists. FOR SALE ; ANNOUNCEMENT ONE PAIR MEN'S 8% ski boots The Surrey Admissions Contact'.Garol Office is pleased to Surrey local 275 announce a new member. Margaret Dranfield will be working in the records department to answer all FROM ADMISSIONS TO KEN MOORE: of your records-type questions. KEEP SMILING! (Even a man can do, 7t2)