INDEMNITY AGREEMENT (describe nature of document) which | submit to you for publication and captionea (insert title) in no way contravenes any of the provisions of the Copyright Act of Canada attached hereto and that if publication results in any liability to you, | will tndemnify you therefrom. DATE: PRINTER/PUBLISHER NOTE: The Copyright Act of Canada states: Section 17: ACTS NOT CONSTITUTING INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT Subsection (2) The following acts do not constitute an infringement of copyright; A (a) any fair dealing with any work for the purposes of Y Pp private study, research, criticism, review or news- paper summary; (d) the publication in a collection, mainly composed of non-copyright matter, bona fide intended for the use of schools, and so described in the title and in any advertisements issued by the publisher, of short passages from published literary works not themselves published for the use of schools in which copyright subsists, if not more than two of such passages from works by the same author are published by the same publisher within five years, and the source‘from which such passages are taken is acknowledged; (f) the reading or-recitation in public by one person of ’ any reasonable extract from any published work; Subsection (3) FURTHER EXCEPTIONS No church, college or school and no religious, charitable or fraternal organization shall be held liable to pay any compensatton to the owner of any musical work or to any person claiming through him hy reason of the public per- formance of any musical work in furtherance of a re- ligious, educational or charitable object.