= ee IE ee oY FABULOUS» COMMODORE 870 Granville Mall * 681-7838 In the Heart of Downtown Vancouver * Fully Air Conditioned TARY TAIN EUR T iT! re ie ge INE FRIDAY JANUARY 27 __ Doors 8:30pm ON FIRE PRODUCTIONS LTD. AND SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY present... BACCHANALIA featuring D.J. MARIO S. DAVID -$7 before Jan. 21 © $10 After ¢ $12 at the door SATURDAY © JANUARY 28 Tickets & Info 351-7465 (agama eel ee aXe OM AMO) Ole AT MeL Lee) CLA ALCOA Le wars MOL Le COR acca CLC sT aT] ABBA, the Jacksons, Sister Sledge, K.C & the Sunshine Band, Village People, Donna Summer, Blondie, Rod Stewart, Diana Ross, James Brown, Boney MAND MUCH MUCH MORE! Tuesday, January 17 DOORS AND MUSIC « 9:00PM SHE STOLE MY BEER PECIAL G Spirit Merchants x Deep Julia FRIDAY e FEBRUARY 3 Doors 8:30pm BOB presents... from the U.K. THE BAY CITY ROLLERS TLRs ab Soh MO TAM at see Ram eam a a e FEBRUARY 4 © DOORS 8:30PM SEX presents Warner Recording Artist ALANNAH MYLES with special guests “ay FRIDAY ¢ FEBRUARY 10 Doors 8: 30PM MEGA LATIN VALENTINE DANCE @ Starring... From El Salvador # MARITO RIVERA & ORQUESTRA BRAVO with special Guest Orquestras B.C. SALSA & TROPICANA 5. DJ MASTER MIX rob, ied On GD RAD BB, ee a bd OO Yd Go Sh ae | Poors S:OOpm Violent Femmes with Special Guests POSSUM DIXON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 19 993 FS presents WARNER RECORDING ARTISTS REAL ROCK €3 CHEAP TRICK WITH SPECIAL GUESTS DD AMMAN THE DIVA TUESDAY ¢ FEBRUARY 21 © DOORS 8:30PM QUEEN IDA the BON TEMPS ZYDECO BAND with Special Guests SATURDAY ¢ FEBRUARY 25 - Doors 8:30PM PARTY WITH FUNKY, R&B JAZZ SAXOPHONIST Maceo Parker SX Roots Revisited WITH SPECIAL GUESTS THE DAVID MURRAY TRIO SUNDAY e¢ MARCH 12 poors 7:00PM « SHOWTIME 8:00PM GEFFEN RECORDING ARTISTS et Se WEEZER WITH SPECIAL GUESTS ARCHERS OF LOAF MONDAY ¢ MARCH 13 ALL AGES DOORS 7:00PM * SHOWTIME 7:30PM cone pI RS, i ooe: . N . root The Other Press ee as, 19m Seantoras Americanas a must-see for hyphen-ated Canad-ians By Matthew lan Tigger Subotnick “Welcome to the border,” greets Guillermo Verdecchia in his one-man show Fronteras Americanas (American Borders). But what is the border? Verdecchia greets us, personally, on a sparse stage, punctuated by bright primary colors and a giant compass rose (which doubles as a video screen). He talks to us person- ally, defining the location, The Vancou- ver Playhouse, at Hamilton and Dunsmuir in Vancouver, British Colum- bia, Canada, North America, Earth, etc... But that is all the orientation we re- ceive. For, you see, Guillermo Verdecchia has lost his way, and as he is lost, he explains, we are lost, and there- fore embark with him on a journey to find home. Verdecchia began his journey in Argentina, coming to Canada at a young age, and gradually finding a way to “fit in”. After becoming a young adult, he sought to reclaim his Argentinean herit- age, and made a pilgrimage to his mother country. Somewhere along the way, he became lost. Though lost, we are not alone on our journey. Verdecchia has enlisted the aid of a guide, his alter-ego Facundo Morales Segundo, also known as Wideload McKenna, to help us see the signposts leading to or through the bor- der, to home. Wideload is everything Verdecchia isn’t. High up in the drug smuggling so- ciety, Wideload is a Latin-Lover, Gang- ster, Bandito, Overhaul-the-Mustang’ s- Engine-on-the-Sidewalk, and Hard Partying kind of guy who represents Guillermo Verdecchia plays himself in the Vancouver Playhouse presentation of Fronteras Americanas every cultural stereotype of Spanish speaking people and Latin cultures. Verdecchia is intelligent, vulner- able, the “guy-next-door” who grew up as “Willie” because his teachers and classmates couldn’t pronounce his name. Both characters are earnest in their desire to understand, to help us under- stand, who we are and where home is. As a play, a one man show is very difficult to pull off, and Verdecchia does so with great facility, poking fun at him- self, the very idea of a guy talking for an hour and a half when a play is supposed to be about dead kings or something. Technical direction is simple and effective. Verdecchia’s monologue is punctuated by slides, video montages, music and lighting to create on the sim- ple stage a wonderful feeling of place. Likewise the images we see, combined with the narration by either Wideload or A Verdecchia, are very effective in makin their point. For anyone like myself, an Ameri can-Oregonian-Ukrainian-Scotch- Irish: Jew who also is a Landed Immigrant, this play is a must see. It will not only ente: tain with its humor, poignancy and intel ligence, but it will break cultural stere otypes and even make one re-examin where they call “home”. Fronteras Americanas won th 1993 Governor General’s Award fo Drama, and it’s easy to see why. Fronteras Americanas runs at th Vancouver Playhouse until February 4 Evening performances are Monda through Saturday at 8:00 pm, and mati nees are every Saturday at 2:00 pm. The will be having talkbacks after every Mo day performance. Tickets can be purchased throug} Ticketmaster (yech) or the Playhous Box Office by calling 873-3311. eS ' 4 4 «| Across from the skytrain 15% off Everything (with DC udent Card)