March 17, 1992 Ballots or Bullets ? Mar.17th marks a historically significant referendum for South Africa. This referendum is not just significant because it is a vote on whether or note to abolish aparthied but because there really isn't much left to decide. The black vote has been in for years.Biko, Mandela and others have made it clear. The Nazi vote is in. They have been promising war if DeKlerk and his reforms win. The Conservatives will win if DeKlerk loses and the _ blacks will take up arms. The choices on voting day are simple: War, War or War. The referendum will only determine who starts it, how long it will last, and who will suffer most. The day of change by ballot was missed in South Africa.Mar.17 will be the day of change by the bullet. -Angus Adair the Other Press : While South Africans are voting to take racism out of their _ constitution, Ganadians are entrenching it into theirs. _ Weare told that we are all equal in Canada under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, if you are English or French, you have more Tights in Canada then the rest of us. _.. The proposed new Canada clause recognises the existence of the _ First Nations, the English and French settlers and immigrants from other continents. However, it prioritizes these groups. For some reason, the _ English and French are more important then the rest of us. It's great that finally the Canadian constitution will recognise the _ existence of First Nations and their right to inherent self- government. - However, their distinctiveness is not recognized. Only Quebec is | “Distinct” from the rest of Canada. Other parts and societies in Canada ‘cannot be “Distinct” from Quebec. The vastly different languages, cultures and laws of the First Nations are not distinct enough for Canadian politicians. = _ If French or English are not preserved in Canada, they will exist outside Canada. However, if any of the First Nations languages are not _ preserved, they will be extinct. Our Governments don‘ tsee the important of preserving the First Nations’ language, cultureand history. However, they feel it's important to entrench language duality. While English and French are protected by “Minority Language Rights”, 53 distinct First Nations languages nor the other settlers’ languages are giving minority language protection. —__ So things might change in South Africa, but they sure as hell are not changing here. . oe S oe -Imtiaz Popat INNER SPACE: THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER Curiosity is Only the Beginning Have you ever wondered what happens to the blood sample you give at the doctor's office? Or how doctors diagnose diseases? Or how you can have a rewarding career helping others? ... Welcome to the world inside the medical laboratory. It’s a world of wonder where medical laboratory professionals find answers to these questions and more, every day. BCIT offers a two-year Medical Laboratory Technologist diploma program consisting of 10 months of academic studies at BCIT followed by a 12-month clinical training period in one of the clinical facilities affiliatéd with the program. Following successful program completion, the student is eligible to write certification examinations which lead to Registered Technologist (RT) qualification, the nationally recognized qualification for employment in medical laboratories. You'll need first year university-level science courses to qualify for entry, plus a caring professional attitude, good work habits, logical thinking, good manual dexterity, and the ability to work quickly and accurately under pressure. Starting salaries for qualified graduates are excellent, in the $34,000 per annum range. 90% of our graduates are employed upon graduation. To learn more about this exciting career and unique program, come to the Information Session below: Date: Tuesday, March 24 Place: Boardroom, BCIT Administration Bldg. Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm or Phone: 434-3304 or Fax: 433-1184 BRITISH COLUMBIAMINSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, STUDENTS AND GRADS TO PREVENT DEFAULT ON YOUR CANADA STUDENT LOAN, YOU MUST CONTACT YOUR BANK : * at the end of each school year; * when you begin a new school year; * when you move; ¢ if you drop out; * if you become a part-time student. RISKS OF DEFAULT : * poor credit history; no further Canada Student Loans; * collection action; withholding of income tax refund. BE RESPONSIBLE, PAY BACK YOUR STUDENT LOAN i oe Department of the Secretary Secrétariat d’Etat of State of Canada du Canada : C. da Canada Student Programme canadi Loans Program de préts aut tudiants anda a Important Notice to Douglas College Students Changes to Registration System Douglas College will be using a new registration system for the fall registration in September 1992. This new system will divide all students into three groups based on a previous term Grade Point Average (GPA) to determine their registration time. The term GPA will be taken from the spring 1992 semester. If you did not attend in spring 1992, an earlier semester of attendance will be used to determine your term GPA. All students will be notified as to their registration time slot. Group 1 © Returning students with term GPA of 2.0 or higher from the previous spring semester or earlier @ Scholarship and special entry students @ Students in programs with Mastery/Nonmastery grading Students in Group 1 will register according to their student number. Group 2 © All new students @ All returning students who have had an absence of five or more consecutive semesters e All returning students who have withdrawn from all courses in two semesters with no intervening semester of attendance. Please note that returning students in Group 2 must re-apply for admission to Douglas College. Students in Group 2 will register according to their date of application/re-application so it is important to apply/re-apply immediately. Group 3 @ All returning students with a term GPA of 1.99 or lower from the previous spring semester or earlier. Students in Group 3 will register according to their student number. For more information, call the Office of the Registrar at 527 - 5478. douglas college