February 4th to 18th 1982 Imagine it. A teacher in every T.V., your schoolwork going out and your marks coming back in the mail.Nobody to question your beliefs, nobody to talk to at all, really: All you have to do to fulfill your responsibilities to soci- ety is stare at a talking head in a suit all day. After you graduate from whatever programme you choose to immerse yourself in, you don’t even have to go out into the real world. Telidon will give you all the information you need to know, (horoscopes, stock quotations). Radio Shack will give you all the tools you need to make a living. You can spend your entire life at home in the world of the future. tmagine it. That’s what the Honorable Univer- sities, Science and Communications Minister, Patrick McGeer, is doing, along with Education Minister, Brian Smith. A recent letter to B.C.colleges from Smith’s ministry states: ‘‘each college should continue to assure that a basic core of university transfer courses is available to students within its region. In so doing, it should bear in mind the offerings of the Open Learning Institute and adjacent institutions.’’ What this means is that, despite being on re- cord as saying that they will never institute mail-order education and ‘‘boob tube’’ learning as a replacement for core programmes, Smith is recommending that various post secondary insti- tutions prepare for this eventuality. He lied and I’m scared. The reason that Smith and the Socreds are not on record as saying that they will use the Open Learning Institute and the Knowledge Network for basic post secondary programmes is because it is not a very popular idea. The reason why it is not popular is because it does not work. Many of us remember the ‘age of new tech- nology in learning,’ where millions of dollars was spent on tape recorders, slide projectors, and T.V.sets on the assumption that, ‘‘Well, gee, if the kids spend all their time and atten- tion with the T.V., maybe they would learn something.”’ As well as being a dismal failure and wasting mill’ ons of public tax dollars, the exercise prov- ed that you can’t replace living, thinking, human beings with cold, complicated bits of metal plastic and glass. McGeer must have a poor memory, because the Ministry of Education are spending mega- millions of dollars on the same sort of thing while firing faculty, raising grade point average requirements, increasing tuition, and cutting courses...all for a network of cables and compu- ter software. Staph Box Deborah Bolton Doc Arne Hill B.A.of BS lan Hunter Dean of Journalism Micheal Knowles Perry Obedinski Cal Reyburn Christie Rogers Paul Sum M.A. of Philosophy B.A.of Kinesiology M.A. of Brain Science M.A. of Religious Studies PhD of Photo Tech Deb Wilson PhD of Cacaology Helene Wisotzki PhD of Nihilist Studies Our love and thanks to: Deb Wilson, Terry Collin, and Emily. Doris Feichtinger PhD. in Journalism ) The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous — student newspaper, published eight times a semester «"’ during the Fall and Spring terms, under the auspices of the Other Publications Society. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press. —— .. .. The Other Press news office is located at the back of the. New Westminster campus cafeteria. Phone: 525-3542.0ur Na ah ao ANARCHY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR OPPRESSION BACK CAUTION: COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURE Lm Cem AUTHORITARIAN WRATH To: All the Members of the Douglas College Students and the Council Council Thank Goodness | read our newspaper. | have been made aware of a situation that truly upset me. apparently Kevin Hallgate and Tim Shein_ got into trouble by giving me a cheque for $200.00. If this be the case | will somehow borrow the money to give it back to the Council. Is that the reason why my ‘‘thank you’’ letter and card was never acknowledged or dis- played for all to see and read? | want you all to be aware that | did not present myself at the office; | was telephoned at my home, telling me to go to the Seen Council’s office the following a.m. Where upon | was given this cheque. | told the boys | would try and seek help elsewhere. They insisted that | take the money. | was in such a state that the boys really felt sorry for me. | was so surprised and Story Upsets Me moved by this action | could hardly speak to the two very nice young men that wished me a ‘‘Merry Christmas.’’ Thank you Kevin and Tim. | am very sorry you were put through this hassle for me. Continued on page 5 Reporting Deplorable To the Attention of lan Hunter: | found your reporting on the stolen wallet incident to be a little one-sided. | think that the fact that Council did approve Kevin Hall- gate’s and Tim Shein’s actions in this situation should have been publically acknowledged. After read- ing your article, the woman in question felt an obliga- tion to reimburse Council. Money she does not have. So it would be appreciated if these facts are printed with m.j. orr’s letter to the editor. Your co-operation in this matter would be most appreciated. Yours Sincerely, Linda D. Davis si