d Hatter A Douglas College Newsletter TO: ALL PERSONNEL FROM: BILL DAY RE: GOVERNANCE REVIEW On June 5, 1985, the Governance Review Committee submitted its final report and recommendations to me. I have reviewed the report carefully, the data base for the report, and the recommendations. The report represents nine months of laborious work, rendered difficult by the elusive nature of the ideals implicit in a "joint enterprise" view of College operations. The Review Committee arrived at recommendations of two types - those relating to structural issues and proposed changes to the structure; and those relating to perceived defects in operation, leadership, communication and the interests of those involved. I have reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Review Committee with a combined meeting of the College Educational Policy and Planning Committee and the Management Committee. Their comments and criticisms assisted me in reaching decisions about necessary changes to the governance system. I have elected to accept the advice and direction of the Review Committee in most matters, specifically those relating to perceived defects in operation, leadership, communication, and the interests of those involved. I have not accepted the advice of the Review Committee regarding the proposal to replace divisional committees with a college-wide curriculum committee. My task during the next three months is to detail the operational modifications to the governance system. I will notify all personnel about these modifications as they are completed, but wish to advise you in advance of several conclusions which will guide me in this task. continued on Page 2 Requests for CONVErsion ..:..cccsccsesssceccasecsees 2 High School Students Orientation................... 9 NISOD 1986 Nominations ..........cccseseeeeneeeees 3 Group Advising Sessions..........cccccseseeeseseseeeees 11 New Emergency Number ............:ccceceseesenees 3 Audio Visual Acquisitions............ccccceesencenseeee 13 Student Exchange ........... ésae ed deena tains dessieneaess 3 Summer Course on Human Rights.................. 15 Co-operative Education Update ...............05. 3 Judith Marcuse Dance Ensemble.................008 i? ATHIGtIC Update sccescciciccsstessesstacwentecwentecaceus 3 Space Station Particinants..........cccecceceeseeasees 18 The Community as a Classroom ...... Be ee ns Innovation ADStractS.........ccsccsseeeees A eet 19 Upcoming EVents...ccccecsccccoasacecsessuewes dieeaesees iE Exchange ASrE@ment. coi...civcessssecscceessceccaveves 8