ey e05% EDUCATION FIELD DEVELOPMENT THREE COURSES OFFERED VIA THE (—p) KNOWLEDGE NETWORK IN 1985/86 A. EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT CNPS 426 = The Role of the Teacher in Guidance. — This course is designed to assist the teacher in understanding and using guidance techniques for day-to-day use in the classroom. The emphasis will be on techniques for working with people towards better self-understanding and better perspectives of alternatives. (3 units) SEPTEMBER - APRIL Tuesdays 5:30-6:00 p.m. Starting Sept. 24 Repeats Wednesdays 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Starting Sept. 25 —— SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR ALL TEACHERS $SPED 317 The Exceptional Child in the Regular Classroom. — A study of the learning and behavioural conditions that accompany a wide range of handicapped or gifted children. The emphasis is on accommodating the exceptional child in the regular class through an understanding of his needs and a knowledge of resources. (1% units) SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER Fridays 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Starting Sept. 13 COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION CSED 400 Computers in Education. — Current research and practice concerning uses of computers in education, including computer-assisted instruction and computer-augmented instruction. (112 units) JANUARY THROUGH APRIL For more information about this new course, contact: Jo-Anne Chilton 228-2013 Field Development Office Faculty of Education 2125 Main Mall University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z5