MAD HATTER PAGE 2 v& DOUGLAS COLLEGE FACILITIES USE INTERIM RESPONSIBILITY & PROCEDURES The new campus will put Douglas College into a different 'league' than it has been previously, thus requiring an over- hauled and clarified set of policies and regulations regarding building use. Some months ago, a Management Workshop was held on the topic. The documents from that workshop were provided to West Graydon, Director of Physical Plant and Site Services, with a request that West develop a proposed set of policies, procedures, rules and regulations. This draft document has now been tabled with the Management Committee. Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Programs and Services, will be chairing a committee comprised of Management Committee mem- bers to review the proposal and prepare a final recommendation. We expect that this will occur in late August/early September. In the meantime, we must keep the show on the road, and the Management Commit- tee has requested an interim system. HEREWITH: The following statements shall apply until the formal approval of policies, procedure, rules and regu- lations for Douglas College facilities use. A. PHILOSOPHY Douglas College facilites shall be available for use by outside organiza- tions and community groups, unless this is to the clear detriment of College or College sponsored activities, or for purposes incompatible with the College's philosophy, or public accountability. POLICIES All College space is bookable. No College program, discipline, employee er group shall have unequivocal sole right to any space. Programs or disciplines assigned specialized space shall have priority booking privileges in this space, Their space requirements must be met before any other bookings are per- mitted, Requests for space use in areas where there is specialized equipment shall be responded to after consultation with the appropriate administrator or designate. All facilities bookings shall be on the basis of one semester only, with the exception of advance bookings for special events. The College reserves the right to re- fuse any application for use of facil- ities. The "College" in this context, shall be construed to be the Manage- ment Committee. All rentals to groups shall be based on a schedule developed by the Bursar, in consultation with the Dean of Community Programs and Services, and the Director of Physical Plant and Site Services. PROCEDURE - Categories of Space Instructional a. Bookings by College personnel for instructional space prior to any semester shall be made through the Registrar's. office, as part of the master timetabling prcess. Sub- sequent to the start of any semester these bookings shall be made through the office of the Director of Phys- ical Plant and Site Services (Pat Thomasson) .