DOvLK.. ne : Le GE ARCHIVES Intermediate level short course for BEE KEEPERS At the request of beekeepers on the Lower Mainland and in co-operation with the B.C. Department of Agriculture, Douglas College is offering a comprehensive eight-week course on apiculture. This course is designed to fill the gap between a beginners' beekeeping course and the Bee Masters' Short Course sponsored biennially by the Department of Continuing Fducation, University of British Columbia and the B.C. Department of Agriculture. Those taking the course should ‘ave completed a beginners' course or have two years exymerience as a bee keeper. THE COURSE WILL BE PRESENTED BY * Mr. John Corner, Provincial Apiarist, Vernon, B.C. * Mr. Doug McCutcheon, Apiary Specialist, Cloverdale, B.C. * Mr. Henry Barten, Provincial Bee Inspector, Maple Ridge, B.C. * Mr. Joe Hirmer, Commercial Beekeeper, Richmond, B.C. LOCATION DOUGLAS COLLEGE, SURREY CAMPUS Douglas College 9260 = 140th Street, Surrey, B.C. me CONTINUING EDUCATION ROOM: Four-room complex - 4075S Seg An sa Mamet a a A aa TIME: 7 - 10 p.m. FEE: $20 MONDAY EVENINGS, JANUARY 19th to MARCH 8th, 1976 *** Tf sufficient students enroll for two courses, a second class will be schedulec TUESDAY EVENINGS, January 20th to March: 9th, 1976. January 19 John Corner - External Anatomy of Bees, Behavior of Bees, Life Cycles. January 26 Henry Barten - Spring Management of Overwintered and Packaged Bees, mat Feeding - Feeders, Pollen Substitutes, Use of Foundation. February 2 Doug McCutcheon - Study of Honey Bee as it Gathers Nectar and Pollen and Transforms it into Honey. Pollen Production. February 9 _ Doug McCutcheon - Nectar Plants, Parts of the Flower, Nectar Secretion, Location of Hives. February 16 Joe Hirmer - Pollination, Bee Poisoning, Two Queen Colonies. February 23 Doug McCutcheon - Removing and Extracting Honey, Handling Cappings and Bees Wax, Physical and Chemical Properties of Honey. March 1 Henry Barten - Fall Management and Winter Management, Observation Hives. Varch 8 Henry Barten and Doug McCutcheon - Pests and Diseases of Bees and the Apiary and their Control. * PRE-REGISTRATION RECOMMENDED . . CLASS LIMITED TO 40