4. TEAM AGGREGATES as 2, 3. 4, FE 6. 7. Vancouver City Co Douglas College + + «+ « B.Gslsts SE He ee ve ee Malaspina College llege. Selkirk College «+... College of New Ca ledonia. Okanagan College- +» » . 5. PRIZE WINNERS Oe en eS Ge SP ee er ers ee A. B. c. Saturday: lst low gross: 2nd low gross: 3rd low gross: Sunday: lst low gross: 2nd low gross: 3rd low gross: 36 Holes: Ist low gross; 2nd low gross: 3rd low gross: Note; (1) (13) (iii) Thank you all for coming No more 465 478 493 496 505 532 545 F. Kato B. Rafter L. Swope C. Bussey J. Perehuneff D,. Baker 0. Anderson G, Mink K, Murray dpc BCIT vc vcc SELK, MAL. vcc DC vcc than one prize per person. Some prizes had to be determined by count~back. Those prize-winners who have not yet received their prizes will do so in the near future. and best of luck in the rest of the series. Gert van Niekerk