Opinions Writing Opinions is a Piece of Cake! Brady Ehler, OP Opinions Editor ee of you may wonder how, week after week, we Other Press opinions writers are able to churn out the exciting and enlightening content that appears each week in your favorite college paper. Well, it’s not as insurmountable a task as one might expect! There are just a few simple things you need to keep in mind to forge a good opinions article, so read on, and all will be revealed The first thing you need is a topic. Usually you can just choose anything that you think is relevant or strikes your fancy. Sometimes you have to adhere to a theme, and sometimes the goonish collective members of The Other Press will choose a theme that asserts their goonishness —like cake for example. Fear not though, even in the face of 6 near-incomprehensible ridiculousness, there is a way to come up with that shining, golden opinions article that you had planned to write— you just need a good idea—just choose a specific topic within your theme. Sometimes, a bad theme can actually be helpful, and you can use it as inspiration for being humorous. If that fails, you can always just use it as a framing device. Next you will need a slant. In layman’s terms this means you take the position that something about your topic is either horribly wrong or wonderfully fantastic. For example, let’s pretend you’re writing about cake. It would be interesting to claim that cake is the perfect food. It’s easy, observe: cake is delicious and nutritious. Cake is easy to make, easy to bake, and it makes everyone happy. There is a reason they eat the stuff on birthdays, weddings, holidays, and any other occasion that reasonable people can think of. Also, there are near endless varieties of cake: chocolate cake, angelfood cake, sponge cake, cheese cake, marble cake, coffee cake, etc. (always write “etc.” at the end of a list, it makes it seem longer). Cake is just plain awesome, no matter how you slice it (see how I worked in that pun? Good, you’re learning quickly). Conversely, you could claim that cake was conceived by the Satan, and that no good will ever come from it. Observe: cake is a cancer on society and is evil. Why do you think it is sometimes called “Devil’s food cake”? Cake is fattening, it’s unhealthy, and is responsible for the deaths of over one billion unborn chickens every year (remember, this is an opinions article, so you can get away with murder). Whatever you do, never, ever choose a neutral slant, nobody wants to hear a flip-flopper ramble on about how cake is tasty, but might not be the best thing for your cholesterol levels. Choose a side and stick to it, or your readers will lose interest, and more importantly, you’ ll probably be bored while writing your article. Now that you have the substance of your article all lined up, all you need to do is write it. To do this, sit down at the computer of your choice and press buttons until your article is finished. Keep in mind that you should have some sort of set-up, some discussion, and finally a conclusion. If you were writing a piece of Dragon Ball Z fan fiction, these would be the beginning, middle and end sections of your story. For your set up, just present some background information. You could use the Internet for research, go out into the field, or just come up with the “facts” yourself. Remember, this is an opinions article, so if you word things right no one can call you on your bullshit. For example, instead of saying, cake is most commonly eaten dessert on Earth, you could say, cake is the number one dessert on Earth. Once you have finished your set up, just ramble on for a couple hundred words, and offer some sort of conclusion, like this: Since cake is inherently evil, and is a threat to Christian values, I suggest that we build gigantic bonfires and hold massive multi-national cake-burnings. Furthermore, we should outlaw flour, eggs, sugar and milk. If we take these simple precautions, we can make sure mankind will never again be plagued by another cake. So there you have it, it’s a piece of cake to write an opinions article, so quit lounging around and being unproductive, you slacker. Go write down your opinions for The Other Press. It’s easy and fun, so go write one, and when you’re done you can reward yourself with a nice big slice of cake. My Girlfriend is Crazy! Denis Orellana, OP contributor B lue ones, red ones, high ones, flat ones: no matter what the style or the color; most women I know have an obsession with shoes. A few months ago, my girlfriend went on a backpacking trip throughout Europe. For three long months she was out on her own exploring the wonders on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. She left with three pairs of shoes, which she had stuffed into a 60 pound backpack filled with only the essentials. But along the way, she managed to pick up some strays. Nine pairs to be exact — in all fairness, one pair was for me. But regardless, this trip was supposed to be about broadening her horizons, not her closet. Every time the subject of footwear is brought up, she points out that her “acute” intrigue with shoes is nothing to worry about, and that it can hardly be called an obsession. She goes on to tell me about a close friend of hers that owns over 300 pairs. Therefore, I should consider myself lucky. Who in their