ithe other press Pa Fe sa Op-Ed November 13, 2002 IAILBAG E: The Sins of the Church was reading the Other Press and came across Bryan Johnson's rant. is sad that this person is filled with such illogical and to quote im “virulent” hate. My guess is that perhaps he had an experience being brainwashed y a “Christian church” or other cult and therefore feels eminently ualified to not only insult all Christians, Muslims, Buddhists but also take GOD’s name and Jesus’ name in vain and use them as e would use common profanity. Such a poor and untrained writer is he, that he spices his column ith frequent swearing. He talks of deprogramming his child from hristian teachings then relates that he filled the child’s mind with yths such as the Big Bang theory and evolution (for which there no basis in fact from any scientific point of view, the scientists ho push evolution push it as one would push a faith, not backing up with scientific facts). I realize he has every right to fill his child’s head with drivel like at, as he is the “guardian”, but to promote hatred against other roups of people is not acceptable in our society. Why does he even bother saying that his child will not go to urch later? He is so willing to condemn her to darkness that he ay as well prevent her from ever entering a church. e later ends his column with even more ridiculous comments an the beliefs he has been denouncing. His beliefs as stated near e end seem to be quite in line with some Buddhist thinking and e thinking of certain cults that wish to believe that man only eeds man to succeed. He has processed in his own beliefs a por- on of that which he insults. I feel sorry for him because he is com- letely mixed up and doesn’t seem to know it. atrick Longworth Canadian elected Governor of Michigan. J.J. McCullough OP Cartoonist Re: “ How Come I’m Not a Supermodel?” November 6, 2002 After recovering from my initial disgust with reading Ms. Evans’ piece in the Other Press from November 6th, I attempted to figure out exactly what she was trying to say. Surely, I thought to myself as I ate my lunch and pon- dered, there must be some point to all of this valley-girl chit-chat and pubescent drivel being in a college newspaper. Well, I spent a good hour with a question mark above my head and quite frankly, it did me no good. The only conclusion that I could draw was that the arti- cle was there simply to waste space. Ms. Evans’ article about how absolutely devastating it is to have been born and “okay chick” as opposed to being one of those oh, so “hot chicks” she went to highschool with is a sad story. No, really, my heart goes out to her. I wonder if she knows how lucky she is to not be hearing impaired, blind, or have been born with Down's Syndrome. I cannot believe the way that she thinks of her daughter. Does she actually see her as “[ylet another thing to alter [her] body image”? How pathetic. Hopefully, Ms. Evans will fill in the gaping holes that her own par- ents seemed to have missed in her own devel- opment of priorities while raising her child and not allow her child to develop a gaping hole between her ears like so many other shallow, image-absorbed women (and men) have. She claims that her self-esteem is not an issue, but this statement is bizarre considering how incredibly obsessive she is about her appearance. Can someone who cares about the size of her breasts, feels like an “ugly, old hag” and is actually bitter about her daughter's inevitable “heartbreaker” status have fine self- esteem? Why not use a little of the energy that is being wasted crying over some failed high- school fantasy to improve her personality. Maybe if she had a personality, she could redeem herself as a more than just an “okay chick” to people who care more about what a person has to offer than about appearances... maybe. She goes on to say the “model life” is probably shallow and meaning- less but, if this is true, Ms. Evans would fit right in. What is shallower than a super model? Someone yearns to be one even though she has no hope at all in fulfilling this fantasy and continues to wallow in her own self-pity. Ok, so maybe her entire article is a sarcastic dig at the shallow, pathetic lives that some sub- urban girls live and is meant to be a huge joke. If so, I don’t really care. It still stinks, is still wasting space and belongs in a thirteen year old girl’s diary, not in a college newspaper. Caitlin Gilroy page 7 ©