| Early Childhood Education { t | families, homosexuals adopting children, it is i DOUGLAS COLI ARCHIVES | Caring for another person's child is ! not a task to be taken lightly, and jwhen a parent leaves their child in the responsibility of a day care centre or pre-school, they want to be sure the supervisors have had the | best education available. Douglas College builds the dement of caring into every part of its Early Childhood Education (ECE) program, the most comprehensive program of its type in British Columbia. | lof fering both the basic certificate program plus a post basic diploma in Early Childhood Education, Douglas iCcollege has become the envy of every ‘college in the province that offers ‘similar classes. On top of this, Douglas College is ithe only institute that provides jtraining for Infancy and Special Needs isupervisors. Beginning with the eight month basic certificate, Douglas College gradu- lates learn the true value of quality early childhood experiences through theory and practicum, says program coordinator Carol Ebner. -Human Resources. |for up to 20 children, Douglas Cdlege on top of top quality training, Douglas College is now integrating its TECK: program into the operation of an on-campus day care centre and off campus training programs, Ebner said. New additions to ECE are absolutely necessary, she says, because of the constant change to Canadian family lile. “Barly Childhood Education super- visors are on the front lines of societal change," Ebner says. "Whether its adapting to one parent alcoholism in the home or , cultural materials and children's |music are big favourites with workin ‘professionals, care supervision to native Indians in ‘their home communities. _get involved in our program," . Ebner. -enthusiastic" _parents and supervisors involved, .Ebner says. "We feel strongly that the children cor =f i ha Mad Hatter Page 3. ol ee eee ‘our graduates who are the first to deal with these changes." ( ' This is also why Douglas College | ‘offers so many different forms of { training, she says. Throughout the year, special seminar . ' are sponsored for pre-school super- visors. Courses such as multi- Ebner says. Another program sponsored by the Douglas College ECE department is the Squamish Project which teaches day "We've had calls from as far away as Whitehorse from people who want to says To the uninitiated, these ECE prograns may appear "high tech", but Douglas College counters this with a policy of "high touch" interaction for the children they work with. One example of this is the New Westminster day care centre run in cooperation with the ministry of Licenced to care has been getting some "very feedback from the "The whole centre is very flexible and set up especially for the children," says the centre's super- visor Leila Denton. By combining the philosophies of the ECE program and day care centre, Douglas College is presenting a unique opportunity for students, parents and children, Denton says.