Wednesday, January 4, 1984. THE OTHE ER PRESS my, | | Page3 who are registering at welcome to students ; e first time. “W elcome back Texte / Douglas College for the to those who are returning. | ove you will find the college a pleasant and friendly . ydemic and occupational Jace to pursue your aca a and objectives: The faculty and support staff of the College are dedicated to assisting you to achieve the greatest benefit from your studies. Within ce oF a f the resources available, we will make every : ality services. edand hhighqu provide you with oe . The Other Press isa student newspaper, ma “etd by members of the Other Press Society. Anewly appointed Board of Directors andanew Chairman of ie | i have dedicated themselves to addressing some O | the problems the society has been experiencing. They want the assistance and participation of the | positions on need and : | ai Bnet re are availableandthere is membershi } hich are aval | The Other Press staff w us ; nd for people to 3 pVisque: ‘need for reporters an ae ergo ae See Oa No previous experience ismecessary. Dean of Educational and Student Services. GET INVOLVED! Read the paper, write letters . the editor, attend society rene and lendahand. Its ‘ety -make it Wor! SS es ful term. Gerry Della Mattia [hope you have asuccess Welcome to Douglas College! Youare entering, or returning to, aschool of which you can be proud. 3 Your faculty and staff are highly qualified, and enthusiastically dedicated to your needs as a student. You will find generally excellent instruction, a first class library, high quality student services, and a good cafeteria. Your student... society is active, and provides an effective political voice. It deserves your support and involvement. Similarly, the collegeandthe __ student body need ana active, critical student newspaper. This can _ only happen if numbers of students offer help as reporters and production people. Check with the Other Press office for __ information. We are in hard times. You will notice evidences of this from time to time. However, you can be assured that the essential high quality of your education has been maintained, - through the cooperation of the faculty and staff. Douglas is an open community institution. Feel free to criticize, enquire and advocate change. It is literally - your college. Become involved. William L. Day President | :