Mad Hatter Page & President's Report to the D.C. Board A. EXTERNAL MATTERS - MUNICIPAL Mr. D. Cocke, MLA, New Westminter, made an informal visit to the Royal Avenue site on January 18. He was most inter- ested in the capabilities of the new fac- - ility. The Rotary Club of Maple Ridge was most interested to hear of current develop- ments at Douglas College in early Janu- ary at one of their regular meetings. They expressed keen interest in and sup- port for the operation of the Maple Ridge Centre. Mr. Davies, Director of the Maple Ridge Centre was also in attend- ance. B. EXTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION A complete set of current program infor- mation has been developed by Mr. Redmond for the use of the Lower Mainland Co- operative Planning Commitee, and was pre- sented to them at their meeting of Janu- ary 14. Staff people from all the co- operating institutions are now combining the information into a full report. I attended a meeting of the B.C. Associa- tion of Colleges Executive.on January 14, in order to assist them in analyzing the Draft II document ‘Post-Secondary System Goals and Objectives'. A critique will be going forward to the Minister from the B.C.A.C. in due course. President, and Mr. F. Beinder, Executive Director of the B.C.A.C., paid an infor- mal visit to the Royal Avenue site on January 19. They spent three hours on site discussing current college programs and the general nature of Douglas Col- involvement in the B.C.A.C. This visit was informal, and simply a means of as- sisting Mr. Unruh to gain an understand- of a program of activities being carried out by the B.C.A.C. executive. Ls Mr. A. Unruh, lege's role on the lower mainland and its ing of the lower mainland region, as part A letter has been received from Dr. Grant Fisher, Assistant Deputy Minister Post- Secondary, indicating that the forecast further reduction in continuing/community education grants for the 1982/83 fiscal year, will likely not come to pass if a recommendation being made to Treasury Board by the Ministry of Education is accepted. Should this prove to be the case, this can an only be viewed as good news indeed! The Management Committee will be assess- ing the implications of this statement, and will be making comment or recommend- ation in due course. C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT On Thursday, January 27, the Management Committee will be having a full day work- shop on the subject of the 5-Year Plan directives from the Ministry of Education. To assist in this activity, Mr. Redmond has done summaries of the major important documents provided by the Ministry, which will be put into open circulation as soon as possible in order that all college con- stituencies can have an understanding of the nature and content of the planning process. We expect that the work already carried out during this last academic year by the College will be of major val-: ue, and that the majority of the work re- quired will be simply repackaging exist- ing information. The "critical assump- tions" that will "drive" the Douglas Col- lege plan will be reviewed by the Manage- ment Committee and by the Education Policy and Planning Committee over the next four weeks, with recommendations to go te the Education and Services Committee prior to the next meeting of the College Board. The Education and Services Committee of the Board is strongly of the opinion that the assumptions upon which the 5-Year Plan is built are far more important than the specifics of the plan. For this reason, Board approval will be required before any new work is carried out on the plan other than editorial planning.