/|alL students hired | Sats ‘his Beg will | approximately $400 per position for em ls ‘The 2 Cabinet rece tae aboard, has ‘allocated ment Ministry a: | year to create full time | r jobs in Cnc sete ces don fay Sees te ‘Each h position will be created for: | 7 hours per day (5 days a week — | 2 months (40 consecutive working days) be paid $5.00 per ho \z xtment submitting a proposal for 4 a position : must be pr ployee benefits, from the | . tal budget. ‘Two ments with ‘similar project ideas smd consider sharing a student, thus cutting the cost to the department in half. — ‘would Tae be = ae of. bak ue fur es Positions must be newly created, ie. the ‘project: description may not include any task currently performed by a staff or faculty member of the college. Projects _ should provide s stu -s with the oppor- tunity to develop skills which will as- = them in entering the permanent work I OSs ALL ‘position subi issions are. ian to | approval by a _ joint ad adjudication and a -_representative from the Ministry of Labour. whee Suly 16, final adjudication "*. Geeeiecks: must: begi: Breject submissions must be received in the Financial Aid Office no later than: “duly 7 for a Ly aaj udication | i no Later than July be 12 and end no later than 5. ytembex , please contact | For more informati | dulie | Steele, Nesride Site, local on | d it aS Ss Tae anaes “ae rep aT a | | eee the soe eee refers toa | number of disorders of the nervous system _ centered in the brain. “Characteristics | involve recurrin ae te seizures. | The brain 2 nervous system control the if pees unt a activities by 2 oF ee ry vi aes Pie “excessive. eee boey charges occur in some nerve cells of the brain. “This causes the brain to work im aA Joss of canteol ae ‘discret ae dete. are ‘pro- duced by “hood clo, tumors, infect ons of the brain i cont'd o | attacks or loss of con-_ | sciousness and various physical aire