ge DEBATES Rival parties face off at David Lam debate By Monica Carino, Associate News Editor do Tuesday, a campaign debate for the upcoming Douglas student union election was held at the David Lam Campus in Coquitlam. Present at the event were five members of the Douglas Student United slate: Matthew Steinbach, Ally McGrotty, Ben Hess, Jamie Waterlow and April Taylor. Sebastian Bubrick, who is running for re-election to the DSU board’s David Lam Representative position, was the sole candidate present for the Revitalize slate. The debate was organized to give the candidates an opportunity to address their respective platforms and goals. Douglas Students United zoned in on the following issues: implementing a U-Pass, waging a strong campaign for the Evergreen Line , getting more discount cards for Douglas students, and increasing awareness of the DSU’s disabled and pride liaisons. Bubrick of Revitalize, by contrast, March 24, 2008 made it known that his slate would like to “work towards getting out of receivership.” When asked about his plans on how to make David Lam students more involved in the DC community, Bubrick said, “It will not cost much to purchase a bus that will cater to the students who wants to join the social events sponsored by the student union at New Westminster.” On issues regarding whether there will be any new amenities for the students, Jamie Waterlow, running for the Disability Liaison Representative position, said one of the main priorities on his list was to push for the construction of a disabled students help centre at the DSU building. “This will become a centre where students with special needs can come and get assistance, or to simply mingle with fellow students.” More information on the campaign election can be found at the DSU website as well as various groups on Faceboook. Low attendance marks By Nikalas Kryzanowski, News Editor O, March 19, local — student candidates were given a chance to strut their stuff at an all-candidates forum for the upcoming Douglas College Student Union elections. It was good way for the rookies to test their mettle while also allowing ordinary students a chance to voice their concerns to the next batch of potential union representatives. Roughly nine of the 10 members running on the Douglas Students United slate attended the meeting while just two members of Revitalize could make it due to personal reasons. EYRE TLS United) Attendance was sparse on the steps of the New West atrium save for a few of the curious and the critical. There was also a large contingent faithful to Pride liaison candidate April Taylor, who is set for a coronation as she is running unopposed for the position. She stated her intention to extend the Pride office hours and vowed to continue to work on her “positive space” campaign to reduce homophobia on campus. Things got somewhat controversial as one questioner contended that an unnamed member of Douglas Students United party had once been banned from the Pride office for uttering homophobic comments, vash Rokni EXTERNAL RELATIONS COORDINATOR Deep Singh (Revitalize) INTERNAL RELATIONS COORDINATOR haun Dhakar (Revitalize); Ally M BASS ff Lenahan (Revitlize); Alex Tala: WONT ED) rlovsk Do ro Douglas Studen nited April Te las Students United New West forum and asked how Taylor would respond to working with the alleged individual. Taylor said that she, “had not been made aware of the situation and would gladly speak to the questioner in private after the meeting.” Another point of controversy came up for DSU women’s liaison candidate Mae Velasco. Velasco has made it widely known through Facebook that she sits firmly on the pro-life side on the issue of abortion. When asked about how she would respond to a situation involving abortion as women’s liaison, she claimed that she would “respect the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” but would try to terlow (Douglas Students United) PRIDE LIAISON lor (Douglas Students Unite WOMEN'S LIAISON Sandr Gwar Revitalize); Mae Velasco (D suggest alternatives to abortion. Three member-at-large candidates were at the forum. Fred Firmansyah, Brandon Johannesson and Imran Valli each pledged their interest in student politics. Firmansyah, in his first semester at Douglas, is the only international student running in the election, while Johannesson is a member of the baseball team, in his second year. Valli is an accounting management student at Douglas. The other member-at-large candidates are Christine Nieder, Other Press columnist Siavash Rokni, and Jerin Mece. Fred Firmansyah (Douglas Students United); Brandon Johanneson Revitalize); Jerin Mece (Revitalize); Christine Nieder Douglas Students United); Imran Valli Revitalize); Sia- Douglas Students iFeSmsleele loin ni