"WORD ON THE STREET By Shannon McKay, Staff Photographer Ss [crore] fiat) oa fis =si8] =a isms a Danes) an EEE] a) az Es EEE eT eee “Do you keep up a celebrity gossip?” ptm mmm mmm rem mer rer rrr tte eee eee Vida Lopez Jeff Nacar Tamara Butcher 2" Year Psych 2" Year General Studies 1“ Year General Studies hs daha beat? “Only because it’s all over the news.” “I read ‘ohnotheydidn’t’ a lot.” \ GO PLACES FROM HERE BROOKIYN PUB WATERFRONT LOUNGE GS ORE ‘olumbia St. 604.517.2966 ww SYA prey Nea aster THURSDAY ©} | THURSDAY, set FRIDAY & STUDENT | _ SATURDAY NIGHT! ) Party With 4/2 price appies 4-8 PM $5.50 DOUBLE highballs _ TUNE $12.75 pitchers —— pg of CANADIAN! WITH A $5,000 IRVING K. BARBER BC SCHOLARSHIP 150 scholarships of $5,000 awarded annually to 2-year BC students transferring to complete their degree APPLY BEFORE MARCH 31 Visit: www.bescholarship.ca or talk to your campus Financial Aid Office today Pp €©6>Ersr THE IRVING K. BARBER C . a British Columbia Scholarship Society IN PARTNERSHIP WITH VICTORIA FOUNDATION Investing in the skills and talents of British Columbia‘s students 18