— The DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES November 29, 1983 ‘Mad Hatte _A Douglas College ater | ATTENTION ALL FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATORS: 1. Jim Doerr has been appointed by the Pres- ident as the administrator responsible for educational leave for the 1984/85 year. . All faculty are reminded of Everett Robin- son's memorandum of September 2, 1983, re- questing applications for educational leave by December 1, 1984. B In view of the events and pressures of this semester, the Faculty Association and the College have agreed to an extension of the application deadline to December 15, 1983. If you are planning to apply for educational leave for the coming year, please ensure that your application and supporting documents are received by Jim Doerr by December 15. 3. Administrators and faculty groups are asked to review membership for the Educa- ed Leave Committee (see attached list hk. . Following the work of the Educational fs tnere have been changes in the de- partmental structure of the College in the past year, directors and chairmen are asked to confirm present membership, or submit new names to Everett Robinson by December 15. Leave Committee last year, it was agreed that it would be of assistance to the Committee to have a clearer idea of the concept of "College benefit" for the purpose of evaluating proposals for ed- ucational leave. The President has provided extracted relevant sections from the draft Five-Year Plan and these have been received by the Chairman of the Committee. They are on hand for any applicant who may wish to review them in preparing or submitting applications and may be obtained by contacting Everett Robinson or Jim Doerr.