“Beekeeping advanced sessions i with John Corner en and “Dr. ‘Harry“Laidlaw The Fraser Valley, Maple Ridge, and South Frdser Divisions of the B.C. Honey Producers' Association have asked the College to set up two advanced level meetings on Beekeeping, in co-oneration with the B.C. Department of Agriculture. OUR REARING Dr. Harry Laidlaw Wednesday, April 3 Nr. Laidlaw will talk on queen rearing and storage; now to rear queens locally; setting up queen banks; mating and storage of queens; special equipment needed; mating nuclei and grafting. Presently, br. Laidlaw is a professor at the University of California in Davis and is a renowned bee geneticist. THE APLTCAN BEE John Corner Wednesday, April 24 ‘Nr. Corner is the Provincial Apiarist and has just returned from a year in Kenya, where he helped in the development of that country's apiary industry. In addition to showing slides of his trip, he will discuss the nature of the African Bee and its evolution through migration into Brazil, and its behaviour patterns; the possibilities and implications of its entry into B.C.; the techniques needed to manage it, its honey production potential, migratory patterns and climatic sensitivities. PLACE: Douglas College Surrey campus, 9260 - 140 St. Room 407 TIME's Wednesday, April 3 and Wednesday, April 24, 1974 T3230 = 79 230 ‘pas PEE: $2 per session Fo: further details please contact Admissions Office - 588~6404. 3.