DOUGLAS C™U “Os LIBRARY ARCHIVES ig The Vancouver Four Choir Festival Press Release: please publish, post or distribute as a public service. For immediate release March 1, 1975. SECOND ANNUAL FOUR CHOIR FESTIVAL TO BE HELD IN VANCOUVER dates: FRIDAY, MAY 2, 9, 23, 30, 1975 place/time: ST. JOHN'S SHAUGHNESSY ( Granville at Nanton ), 8:30 p.m. performers: GALLERY SINGERS, FREDERICK CARTER, conductor VANCOUVER BACH CHOIR, SIMON STREATFIcLD, conductor VANCOUVER CHAMBER CHOIR, JON WASHBURN, conductor CANTATA SINGERS, JAMES FANKHAUSER, conductor featured composer: JOHANNES BRAHMS * * * * % * = * * The month of May 1975 brings with it the second annual FOUR CHOIR FESTIVAL to be held on the first two and the last two Friday evenings of that month at St. John's Shaughnessy United Church. As a result of the enthusiasm stimulated during last year's festival and the promise of an even more exciting event this year the FOUR CHOIR FHSTIVAL is becoming a choral tradition in Vancouver. In an effort to provide some continuity to the festival each of the four choirs will feature a major choral work by the German romantic, Johannes Brahms. Te FRIDAY, MAY 2 GALLERY SINGERS, conductor FREDERICK CARTER . Derek Holman: Make We Joy William Byrd: Ne irascaris Domine In resurrectione tua Laudibus in sanctis Victoria: QO magnum mysterium Orlando Gibbons: 0 clap your hands Vaughan Williams: Three Shakespeare Songs Wilfrid Mellers: Cloud Canticle Johannes Brahms; Weltliche gesange Kodaly: Matra Pictures .