HUMOUR. Laugh out loud hilarious? Contact the editor at Witnesses report that 99 red balloons went by Hellum company fires balloon manager Livia Turnbull Humour Editor strange sight beheld any fine folks who were enjoying some pre-winter weather. In the grey skies, witnesses reported seeing 99 red balloons float by without any context. “It was really surreal,” says local resident Mark Dangart. “It looked like a TV commercial or something. Condom commercials have sure gotten weirder these days.” However, some residents seem to be concerned. “I saw them fly by and J thought that Rob Ford was up to something yet again. J bet he’s going to pretend to be a float to get into the Santa Claus parade,” said Sally Thompson. You(ii'3Comedy Classics Rob Ford the Movie 107 Cea N tora E While that seems like a very amusing idea, Ford still refuses to talk about his weight problem. He did deny setting the red balloons free, but he also made a rather graphic analogy about loving his wife every day of the week. The Other Press refuses to publish that quote out of second-hand embarrassment for Toronto’s citizens. The blog entitled “Will the Communists Win?” posted something rather alarming: “Panic, lads, it’s a red alert. There’s something here from somewhere else. I knew that Russia would wait until now to launch all its nuclear weapons against the countries who support gay rights. Were [sic] doomed.” Recently, a local helium company claims that their ex- balloon manager accidentally left the skylight open after the 99 red balloons were made. They promised never to install skylights in their roofs again. By Joel McCarthy, Graphics Manager I usually try to keep the YouTube Comedy Classics classic. However, since all the footage in this video was shot before 1997, I’ll make an exception. Sure, the Rob Ford parodies are getting redundant by now, but this one is just freaking brilliant. Since many people have marveled at the resemblance Rob Ford has to Chris Farley, a brave editor decided to pick apart Chris Farley movies to make a fake biopic trailer for Rob Ford... and the results are amazing. 22 Photo courtesy of Callum Haywood/ CONTINUED ON PG. 25 ay i hy OU CRM RON MERRITT CENTRUM COLL UAL CMO RNYL ORY R)