Page seven |Ombudsman shall be ele- cted in the Spring Elections for the Executive positions. All nominees must be stu- dents, have a Grade Point Average of 2.5 and have completed one semester at Douglas College. Any Om- budsman can be removed from office by impeachment at an A.G.M. or S.G.M., by impeachment procedure (By-law 13.2). The term of office will run conrurrent with that of the Executive D.C.S.S. members. The Student Ombudsman shall function on behalf of the student body, in conjun- ction with the Student So- ciéty, in matters of conflict between a student or stu- dents and any other organi- zation or individual, ie on an informal basis. He/she shall also serve in the jeapacity of watchdog of the Douglas College Student So- jeie ty Constitution. The Office hours of the Ombudsman to be set up by the Ombudsman, for each semester, and not to consist of less than ten hours per week, with special arran- gements being made for Jemergency situations. The hours are to be published in all student newspapers and newsletters, with the exp- ense being borne by the Douglas College Student So- ciety. The Ombudsman shall con- tain one office situated where space is available. The officer shall receive a stipend. ' |Office shall. if available. be provided at the chosen loca- tion by Douglas College Student Society. Privacy must be ensured during office hours. A general case journal will be kept. No personal rec- ords to be kept after the closing of any case. The journal will be presented in che form of a report at the Annual General Meeting each year. The Ombudsman must att- end a training workshop held pursuant to the ele- ction. Toensure the sovereignty of the student Ombudsoffice: The student Ombudsoffice does not constitute a subsi- dary organization of. the Student Multi Campus Council, or of any other organization of the College. This is to officially notify all DOUGLAS COLLEGE STU- DENTS of upcoming STU DENT SOCIETY BY-ELEC- TIONS for the position of OMBUDSMAN. The OM- BUDSMAN shall represent the students on the AGNES STREET* COQUITLAM* MAPLE RIDGE* and NEW WESTMINSTER CAM- PUSES. Candidated must be regis- tered students at DOUGLAS COLLEGE* taking no less than one.(1) credit course in the College, have paid thier fees in full, and be no less than a first semester stu- dent with College G.P.A. of not less than 2.5. NOMINATION PAPERS shall contain the NAME and . STUDENT NUMBER of the The Other Press September L7* ‘S: Elections member nominated, along with the OFFICE for which the member is nominated. CAMPAIGNINGmay com- mence TUESDAY* SEPT. 15, 1981, as long as the proper nomination papers have been filed and received in the main business office on the New Westminster campus of DOUGLAS COL- LEGE. VOTING will be held on ‘TUESDAY SEPT.. 29, ‘1981, & WEDNESDAY* SEPT. 30, 1981. NOMINA- TIONS CLOSE AT 12 NOON ON TUESDAY* SEPT. 22, 1981. NOMINATIONS close at 12 NOON on TUESDAY* SEPT. 22, 1981. NOMINATION forms can be picked up at your Student Council Office, or where none exists, the forms will be available in the Student Lounge. FORMS MUST be sent to the STUDENT SO- CIETY BUSINESS OFFICE at the McBride Site in New Westminster, The forms can be sent through the Inter Campus mail system. 5 For more please call 522-6038. NOTE: NOMINATION FORMS MUST BE REC- IEVED BY THE STUDENT SOCIETY BUSINESS OF- FICE AT‘ THE MCBRIDE ‘SITE IN NEW WEST- MINSTER* BY NOON* TUESDAY* SEPT. 22, 1981. TERM OF OFFICE CO- MMENCES ON THUR- SDAY* OCTOBER 1, 1981. information, The OTHER PRESS publi- cation Society Board of Di- rectors has openings for two “tat large’? members. The duties and responsibilities of the board (consisting of two ‘“‘OTHER’”’ staff, former “OTHER” staff, one mem- ber from each of the other publications and the busi- ness manager of the O.P.) shall be to serve as the editorial board for the pa- per, to be the only recog- nized medium of comunica- tion in administratice mat- ters between the society, its member publications and: a) the authorities of Douglas Colle ge b) the Douglas College Stu- dent Society c) the public and in short the board will be the administrative body of the OTHER PRESS. If more than two people — contest these positions there shall be elections in two weeks. from Kevin ue | Dear Student: Students appear to be un- der the impression that the role of the Douglas College Multi Campus Council is soleley to provide recrea- tional activities for the en- joyment of our membership. This is only a minor portion| of the Council’s responsi- bilites. Students sit on al- most every committee that governs the administrative . policies of Douglas College. We sit and vote on a panel that discusses and rules on student grievances against instructors, and we become involved at a Provincial level with all matters concerning students and education. _ This is only a brief outline of the responsibilities of the Douglas College Multi Cam- pus Council. Without input and help from you, we will cease to exist. Presently, out of a fifteen, positions are filled.Durin the upcoming elections, urge you to seek nomination for office. With a full coun- cil, Douglas can take an| active role in helping form a better educational facility, Without your help and over- all Support we become mer- ely a recreational director. Kevin Hallgate President Douglas College Student Society person Council, only 4 are you a social misfit? A quasi cretin designer? Or a high school graduate? ene of the few ndp pagans left in this land? then we have a place for you INCREASE YOUR CRANIAL CAPACITY! Believe it ot not? Right here at Douglas College THE OTHER PRESS needs help *