DOUGLAS COLLEGE MAD HATTER PAGE 7 ARCHIVES To ALL FACULTY & STAFF, DOUGLAS COLLEGE From: BILL DAY Re: 1982/83 OPERATING BUDGET I have received a direction from the Ministry of Education that the college identify to the Ministry, on a prioritized list, the means by which the college would propose to deal with a budget in constant dollars, for the F.Y. 1982/83. The intent is stated as positive. The information is to be used as information to the Treasury Board on the impact of reductions, should they be considered. Answers, and recommendations regarding the answers, will be provided by me to the Douglas College Board prior to October 31, in order that the Board may determine the nature and the substance of the response to the Ministry. I have requested the Deans and Bursar to produce information and recommendations from their respective Divisions. The sine qua non of this exercise is that advice to the Board and to the Ministry of Education must not place the existence of Douglas College as a Community College in jeopardy. That is, the question of elimination of one or more of our Divisions (Academic Studies, Applied Programs, Community Programs, and Educational and Student Services) shall not be considered. All of these functions are required for the existence of this college as determined in legislation, in its political origins, and in its current statement of philosophy. Operations next year in constant dollars based on this year's budget means that we must describe to ourselves ways by which we could reduce the college's expenditures by approximately 20%. No "target" has been given to any Division or sub-Division of the college. Peter Greenwood and Bill Morfey are available to provide consultative advice as required by the Divisions. Most actions are college-wide in impact. Each Dean will be expected to be able to respond in terms of his Division to initiatives that may deal apparently with another Division. WLD:bb