May_10, 1988 he Js Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newsletter. WOMEN’S DUAL LABOUR RESEARCH Research on Women’s Dual Labour, directed by Dr. Melody Hessing of UBC and Lillian Zimmerman of C.P. & S., and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, is continu- ing at Douglas College. Hessing says, "We are inter- viewing women staff members to study the relationship be- tween the work that they do in the home and in the workplace. We would like to talk to as many women as possible, so that our research sample can include all of the stages of women's work histories, dif- ferent types of family arrangements, as well as varia- tions in types of office work." " We are especially interested in hearing from women with children, including auxiliary and part-time staff members. Interviews will require about 2 hours of time, and include the 1-hour release granted by the College plus one lunch-hour," says Hessing. If you have not yet contacted Melody Hessing, and are will- ing to participate, please contact her at 224-2256 or at 228-4947. She also wants to thank all of the many women who have already taken part in the study. All interviews are held in strict confidence and anonymity is assured. = COLLEGE BOARD At its meeting on April 21st, the Board Members elected Dr. Pauline Hughes as their Board Chairman and Mrs. Myrna Popove as their Vice-Chairman. Further information will be forthcoming regarding appoint- ments to Committees. M.H. Morfey EW HOME FOR DENTAL PROGRAM Aer a eT The Chairside Dental Assist- ing Program has taken up residence in a new home within the Department of General Nursing. The move from the Depart- ment of Social Services and Allied Health was timed to coincide with the start of the (1988-89 fiscal and program years for the greatest con- venience and least disruption to students, faculty and ad- ministration. The support from the faculty and administration from both departments concerned has made the transition successful and uneventful. John McKendry RETIREMENT PARTY SS Kwantlen College will be hosting a Wine & Cheese Retirement Party for Pat Kavalec this month. Details are as follows: Date: May 24, 1988 Time: 3:30 p.m. Place: Tech Centre Lounge, Kwantlen College, Newton Cost: $5.00 per person Anyone interested in attend- ing should get in touch with Gena Ballantyne at local 4910 by May 18th. IN THE HAT Lost Brochures Building Air Circulation Keying Policy Issuing Keys Marilyn Pattison Defends Dissertation Golf Results Upcoming Events President's Search - Keyano College President Search - Confederation College Parking Passes Douglas College Parking Group Advising Sessions Book of Kells Fund Ed, Admin at U. of A. Innovation Abstracts