TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD June 23, 1988. Today, June 23rd, Mr. Denis Therrien, Superintendent of the Maple Ridge School District, and I, met with the Hon. Elwood Veitch, Minister of State for the Lower Mainland Region; the Hon. Tony Brummet, Minister of Education; the Hon. Stan Hagen, Minister of Advanced Education & Job Training, regarding the "Telosky Project" - a proposed development of facilities in Maple Ridge involving the Municipality, Douglas College, and the School District. It was a valuable meeting, and all three Ministers expressed support in principle for the plan. The first step is land acquisition, and the team of Municipal, School and College officials doing the staff work has been directed to devise aways and means plan for land acquisition. Much of the educational staff work on the plan, from the College's point of view, has been carried out by Jim Doerr and Bill Morfey. The integration of educational plans with facilities assumptions has been carried out by Hank Naylor, of our Construction Management Program. Hank did much of the baseline planning for the present New Westminster Campus, and it isa pleasure to see him once again most ably coordinating activities. Internal Matters - General A Retirement Luncheon and Reception was held for persons retiring, and former retirees of the College, on June 14th. The presence of Board Members Mrs. Pat Cook, Rev. Gordon Hoeflicker, Mrs. Myrna Popove, Mr. Cliff Murnane, and Mr. Gerry Trerise, as well as Mr. Steward Graham, a retired Board Member, was appreciated. There was special interest at that event regarding the announcement of the formation of the Douglas College Alumni Association - a report on which is being presented to the Board tonight. There was some discussion on the possibility of retired employees of the College becoming members of the Alumni Association. A formal search is now under way for a replacement for Bill Morfey, as Bursar and head of the administrative division of the College. It is difficult to imagine Douglas College without Bill Morfey, who has been Bursar since the College's founding in the Fall of 1969. Dr. Gerry DellaMattia has been granted a two-year Leave Of Absence in order to develop central services for a community college system in the United Arab Emirates. This is a wonderful opportunity for Gerry, and it is a credit to Douglas College that we have had personnel of the calibre. Gerry's leave commences August 1, 1988, by which time I expect to be able to announce arrangements for his replacement during the next two years.