(a l - i Saskatchewan Saskaichewan Kelsey Institute Idyiwyld Drive and 33rd Street West Advanced of Applied Arts Box 1520 Education and and Sciences Saskatoon, Canada Manpower $7K 3R5 ‘ > icc | Gerry DellaMattia, Dean | ARCHIVES | Educational & Student Services Division Douglas College 700 Royal Avenue, P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Dear Gerry I would like to thank you personally, and all the others concerned - — Al, Jay, Jean, Jim, Gordon, I hope I have not missed anyone - who did so much to make my day at Douglas such a stimulating and pleasant one. The dinner on Monday night, as you intended, certainly gave me a chance to get to know people and feel a part of Douglas College. On Tuesday, I was most stimulated by the questions in the large session and even more so in the smaller afternoon session if only because I could see who was asking the question and interact in a more human and informal manner. Your colleagues certainly seem alert and thoughtful and concerned for the future. And please pass on to Bill my congratulations for having obtained such an impressive building and an even more impressive staff. Please invite me again. I now consider myself an honorary Douglas College person. And, finally, Gerry, if you or any Douglas staff are in Saskatoon, | trust you will give me a call and accept my hospitality. yours duly /f he AAW ae Nu J.S.-Seharf Chaiptian, Development Division