November 29, 1982 Mad Hatte A Douglas. called S atter | Rue ARCHIVES SECURITY Any canmunity college is very much a pub- lic place. Fran 0700 until 1100 hours the entire property is penetratable from num- erous stairways and elevetors in the parking levels. This is a necessary and desirable convenience for all attending the College. The situation in some re- spects is not entirely different than it has been for years at the McBride or other College sites. However, in same respects the Royal Avenue site is prone to greater risks. Located as it is, near the waterfront, .near restaurant and tavern row, new and impressive in size it attracts a variety of curious people besides those of us working and studying here. Size alone increases the secwrity problem and the covered parking can be a mixed blessing. Within any college community there is simply a cross section of our larger 'cammuinity...some beautiful people, same - not so beautiful. Without being totally paranoid we all must realize there are risks in life which can be minimized by our own conduct. In relation to personal or College prop- erty it is recammended to: Never leave portable property unattended Never leave an empty office unlocked Use desks, filing cabinets etc. to keep attractive items out of sight Lock desks, filing and other cabinets when leaving offices. In brief: WATCH IT - Ick IT OR LOSE IT! Your security from this type of loss is your responsibility. PROFESSIOGNAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The Professional Development Committee established under Article 14.03 (c) of the Collective Agreement consists of Jean Cockburn, Mary Fewster, Alan Mc- Millan and Gerry DellaMattia. The first committee meeting was held on October 13, 1982. At that meeting, the committee discussed several matters which are reported below: 1. Manadate: It was decided that: a) The Committee could use funds to encourage Departmental and Division- al professional development activ- ities of other Departments and/or : Divisions. b) The Committee should support the College Colloquium. c) The Committee should provide for a one or two day "event" at least once a year that would be scheduled at a time when most faculty would not have scheduled teaching camit- ments. 2. Professional Development "Event": It was decided that an event should be planned for the Spring: a) scheduled immediately after grades are due b) professional development activities scheduled by departments and divi- sions could/should be scheduled for the days immediately following the event. c) a social activity should be planned. 3. Thursday 12-2 The Thursday 12-2 scheduling module should be used for some professional development or related activities such as: a) suppliers demonstration of new equip- ment, materials, books, etc.