ROUGLAS COLLECE LIBRARY ARCHWES August preparing course outlines and handouts and getting them into the print shop. Library reserves have to be copied, bound, and the new forms filled in. There is only so much full-time faculty can do for TBA instructors in advance. I do not think it is fair that students who enter a TBA section should run the risk of courses being poorly organized simply because of the bureaucratic problems involved in mounting courseS,. ORIENTATION Contract faculty rarely receive any orientation to college policies, procedures and facilities. I've had to help contract faculty obtain AV equipment training. I've spent hours on the phone suggesting what had been done in the past with regard to exams, plagiarism, guest lecturers, and dozens of other routine matters. Even if we were offering adequate contract salaries we would still have to give immediate attention to these matters of (1) course organization (2) course preparation and (3) orientation. Just our failure to provide adequately in these 3 matters when it comes to contract faculty runs the risk of reducing the quality of instruction at Douglas. But when you can't even attract the contract faculty in the first place it is ridiculous. A fine kettle of fish this! PROPOSAL Either we should reduce our course offerings to that which can be serviced by a full-time faculty or we should offer 1/8th of the average faculty salary per contract (eg. $16,000 annual average = $2,000 per contract) plus an additional sum for course preparation and organization, and participation in one orientation. Anything less is false economy and it is the student who pays the highest cost in the end with the contract faculty squeezed in the middle. For this registration period any TBA sections that have not been already contracted should be cancelled immediately (and pre-registered students phoned to come in and re-register). Like I said, I hope it is me who is out to lunch......