not be so registered because member- ship in the College is predicated upon a prescribed period of study and passing qualifying examinations. From. their very nature, these requirements can only be met by natural persons.” A case that would not be incon- sistent with the requirements of the profession, is one in which a doctor incorporates a non-professional service or management company to relieve him of his professional duties by providing him with staff, medical supplies, equip- ment and accommodation. In some provinces the Corporation Act does not prohibit ‘‘persons applying for the incorporation of companies to carry on the practice of law, medicine, accounting, engineering and any other profession.” But “in actual fact... most of the governing bodies of these and other professions have, pursuant in some cases to statutorily conferred powers, passed rules or regulations pro- hibiting persons subject to their juris- diction from carrying on business in incorporated form.” AN INCORPORATION MUST NOT BE AN INCOMPLETE TRANSACTION The documentation must show the exitence of an agreement. Pe salesman who was employed by a [\sxment firm decided to form a tukcompany. Of the 200 shares issued, 198 were held by him, one by his wife and one by a third party. Prior to the formation of the company the salesman received a commission on gross sales from the garment firm and at times employed other salesmen and secretaries charging their salaries to his commis- sion. After the formation of the com- pany the salesmen and secretaries for- merly employed by him were still included in the garment firm’s pension plan, unemployment insurance scheme, blue cross and medical service benefits. The Minister assessed the taxpayer for tax on the commissions earned, ignoring the existence of the company, and the Tax Board allowed the salesman’s appeal. On appeal to the Federal Court, the court, in a judgement released April 30, 1973, allowed the Minister’s appeal. The Federal Court took the position that, although the salesman formed a company, no written agreement had been entered into between the garment firm and the company and there was no written document showing the relation- r between the parties or stating the ae continued page 53 { | _—