DOUGLAS C°LLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES Ella Fox key Bees! May 6th, 1974. Since we are aware of this "state of mind" we must rely . heavily on the direct promotional efforts of our programmers, and, as stated earlier, each department has faculty members who are on a generous time release to seek out and articulate community needs. And so the cycle must continue, slow but sure, and our efforts to be accountable for doing a good job in the classroom become of paramount importance for only here can we gain trust and establish our ability to stimulate the learning process at whatever level. The process of learning is our end product and our dilemma is inherent in the fact that attempts to merchandise "learning" as though it were a tahgible commodity is easy to talk about but very difficult to accomplish. | I suspect, from the tone of your letter, that your personal contact with ten prospective students for Douglas College can be more persuasive than a $100 advertisement in the Vancouver Sun. When your personal friends discover that you survived adult education they may enquire directly for a course or program to suit their needs. In effect, we must rely on the confirmation of our modest successes fribm literally hundreds of satisfied students in order to ai get the attehtion of the public at large. In the meantime we must continue to advertise for those who are now seeking education while reinforcing the efforts of our departmental programmers 4s they work to identify specific educational needs on a person to person basis. Thank you for your help and for your open letter to the Mad ‘. Hatter) it Was a stimulating and thought provoking submission. Yours very truly, Information Officer. JMcI :rmw