issue 8 // volume 44 humour // no. 23 mero . =m trod > Chain hopes to appeal to millennials Duncan Fingarson Contributor pence Diamonds is the most recent addition to a long list of companies that are adopting new strategies in the face of a changing marketplace. Spence, which mostly sells engagement rings and other diamond jewelry, has been hit hard by what some are calling the “Millennial Crisis.” In an effort to recapture the millennial demographic, Spence has now introduced a new line of organic, fair trade, locally sourced, free-range, gluten-free diamonds. “Tt’s an established fact that millennials aren’t buying as many diamonds,” Spence spokesperson, Spencer Spencington, said when contacted by Left hook the Other Press for further details on the new product line. “We're really not sure why—they probably blew all their money on avocado toast, or something. Who wouldn't want diamonds? They're really shiny; everyone loves shiny things.” Similar to the marketing campaign for lab-grown diamonds to be framed as “Artisan-created,” the new diamonds are reportedly “no different, except bigger, and also happier.” The new diamonds are “hatched from diamond eggs, and allowed to roam free,” according to Spencington. “We have the first and only free- range diamond ranch in the Lower Mainland,” Spencington continued. “We're trying to keep it local and in line with our values of offering what people really want. We're also very aN Aas atoll Meactaadf Saw- balou eee Mics PATI ETD BLITZ wees Of glutensinee active in maintaining a truly organic and natural process. Other diamond companies keep their diamonds locked in tiny cages around the clock—they never get to see the light of day, or feel the grass under their incredibly sparkly feet. You won't find any of that here.” The Other Press had the opportunity to visit Spence’s new diamond ranch, and can confirm that everything Spencington said is true, and not at all a marketing scheme. The diamonds are, as reported, very large, and incredibly sparkly. There is plenty of room for them to roam, and they seem much happier than the diamonds commonly seen confined to tiny glass cages in jewelry stores. “It’s heartbreaking, what they do in those stores,” local jewelry shopper > Fight breaks out after woman is asked if she is left-handed Jillian McMullen Staff Writer Ax a violent interaction with a ellow student last Tuesday night, a Douglas College student was left wondering where he went wrong. A fight broke out after Andrew Wright, a communications student, approached fellow classmate Audrey Gauche in the school library and asked if she was left-handed. Gauche, who had been writing notes with her left hand at the time of the inquiry, allegedly dropped her pen and, without hesitation, swung at the unsuspecting first-year student. What ensued was a full-blown student brawl, with many students getting caught up in the confusion. Eric Palmier, a close friend of Wright, said the scene quickly spiraled into total chaos. “He didn’t expect that left hook of hers—he didn’t even see it coming. After that first hit, people went wild and started joining in. I think I saw one dude threaten another with a pair of left-handed scissors,” he said. Another student involved in the event, Philomena Phalanges, supported Gauche. “Good for her. Stand up for what you believe in,” she said. Gauche spoke with the Other Press upon leaving a disciplinary meeting with the dean this morning, and maintains that she was provoked by Wright. “What's with everybody always interrogating and undermining lefties? Why is the first instinct people have when they see you writing with your left hand to ask ‘Are you left-handed?’ Like, how am I supposed to reply to that? ‘No, I’m not, I just like to mess around sometimes?’ It’s ridiculous,” she said, throwing her hands up. “So, yeah—I snapped. It’s not like he gets what it’s like being left-handed.” Gauche listed a number of struggles she faces, some of which included notebook rings being constantly in the way of note-taking, and can openers that only work using your right hand. She also claimed the school allows more privileges to right-handed students. “How many of the auditoriums provide an adequate number of those fold-out desktops that are appropriate for left-handed students? Even if there were enough, they’d always be occupied by right-handed students,” she said. The Leftist Lefties, an on- campus student organization, will be holding a rally in support of Gauche. They are campaigning to have the school enforce a policy to help combat the daily disadvantages left-handed students experience. “We're just sick of our voices not being heard. The incident with Ms. Gauche is just another example of the frustration us lefties have felt since childhood,” said the organization’s president. Crystal Miner told reporters. “All those poor diamonds, stuck behind glass like that. I haven't seen Spence’s ranch, but I’m sure it’s totally legit. In the future, I'll make sure to buy all my diamonds from them. | hear they're gluten-free, too, and you just can’t say that about other diamonds.” As the initiative is still new, it remains to be seen how millennials will react. The new, free-range, gluten-free diamonds are not actually less expensive than current options, just substantially larger. There remains some concerns that spending huge amounts of money on sparkly rocks that aren't very rare to begin with can't be justified in the face of rising costs of living. On the other hand, the rocks are very sparkly. Illustration by Cara Seccafien Brush by Artistmef via