n September 8, the Douglas College Student ommittee had a meeting and Soci ety Representative spended the newly elected esident of the DCSS, Dave paweed. A letter obtained by the Other ress stated “...it was resolved that Dave Seaweed be removed of all ghts and responsibilities as esident of the Douglas College udent Society.” Vice-President External, s Canada dithers ver the percentage eeded to secede, it seems a small Paribbean nati figured out a me ago M CHLIBOYKO d again by federalist and bvereigntist alike, through the padlines and evening net lanadians seemed to mis stories about a similar $ bppening down south, in the aters of the Caribbean’sea. Jn tly August, newspapers. carried Pws from a place that nét many: P y tople read about outsid has been removed from his responsibilities because the Rep committee has some serious concerns with his ability to lead the student society.” The reasons Wheeler stated for the suspension were, “He [Seaweed] sent out a letter on Douglas College letterhead to CIBC telling them that he would hire Merrilyn Houlihan [former Business Manager of the DCSS]...[that she] was wrongfully dismissed and he would hire her Ow much Is enough’? try—the smallest independent country in the Western Henusphers ara ver nly: bon 58% — | Ww ich caused critics of the seces- .sion attempt to belittle the high vote in favour of separation.) But’ in the constitution of the Re “tions. The new bills were seen as back.” Wheeler also stated, “Students have been com- ing to us and saying that Dave has been giving class = speeches and saying he is " the only executive in the student society right now who is neither corrupt, nor embezzling money; that we held a bogus CFS referendum; and also [that] we wrongfully dismissed Merrilyn and we were going to hire her back. All of these things go against the directive of the student society.” “There is also information that is in the process of [being investi- trouble officially started back in the summer of 1996. Tension over the perception of the better stan- dard of living on St. Kitts was supplanted by the rivalries between interference. Ther came the government's initiative to open a federal office on Nevis soil. This, for Amory, ration of St. Kitts and Nevisy: ssc syeng 4 gated] that raises concerns that Dave has been overpaid or double paid when he was in office before. It could, or could not, be true— nothing is certain yet.” Seaweed has still not contacted the DCSS about these allegations, according to Wheeler. “The college administration, the college board, and Dave Seaweed are not recognizing the student society's position. It was a decision that came democratically, There are very real and obvious concerns to why the Reps made the decision,” said Wheeler. About the possible impeach- line of how the government could better serve the people of Nevis. Within the week, when nothing was done, and the office opening looming, Amory announced that & Caribbean,” ee - referendum, Brantley said there wasn't. “People approached it in a very mature and responsible man- ner. I don't think there is any recrimination. The people have accepted it. Both parties have decided to sit down and reconcile pigs and the rest of oe ry. Tow. I hasten to add that I am not ment of Seaweed, Wheeler said, “I would like to avoid an impeach- ment campaign. There is so much work that I'd like to have done this year. We're running a national week of action, we're working on entrenching students’ rights in leg- islation and the tuition freeze cam- paign. I would like to see Dave give us a satisfactory answer.’ The Other Press was unable to contact Dave Seaweed by Press time. More information on this story next week. day business of the country. He shows no eagerness for another vote. “Clearly the constitution lets ae . : us try again,” he says. “There is no clamoring for an immediate sec- if St. Kitts is not rthcoming, then us of the 50% at many Canadian _ It is arguably too nadian experience: the ‘the history, the his- = relationship with Ottawa” “Having said that, if 50% had been our threshold, Nevis would be independent today.” But in spite of this, Brantley doesn't seem bitter over the result. And he still prefers the 66-33 split. While the Canadian politi- cians dither over numbers in an a constitution in which secession is sort brochures. Two small islands that form the bderation of St. Kitts and evis—population 43,000, «their ¢ differences.” As he spoke, Brantley said, there were talks going on concerning the future of the Federation. And even though Brantley was a Eehoaed a alone disregard of the rights of all Nevisians”; he further referred to the initiative as having da Ses on secession need a 66.66%, or two-thirds majority to pass. The Nevis islanders fell 5% short. The Federation remains attempt to assuage one another, the thwarted supporter of porter of sugar, coconuts and a “sinister purpose.” Nevisian independence says, “To my mind, [the 66% margin] makes it all a bit more palatable.” rveyor of sandy beaches—were Amory, in an attempt to spell out the source of the dissatisfac- tion with St. Kitts, wrote an out- dc aie aka sv og supporter of secession, he claimed 88 to want to get on with the day-to- What inspired the movement? According to Caribbean Week, the ich Canadians may be familiar. . Kitts and Nevis was a coun- Events wed ¢ ee 1998 City Centre Aquatic Complex arbecue The pool will be closed from now until October outside the Cafeteria @ David Lam Campus Sod ise auikevatice. Evergreen Cilearal Ducks en the Fitness Centre and Office will be > me open: presents Walls of the Labyrinth Monday-Thursday @ 7am-9:30pm by Patrick Gourley ; Friday-Saturday @ 7am—5:30pm 1 ; This examines the labyrinth as a structure and as Closed on Sunday 1 1 a. 1 ragassedl sun's through the world. For more information contact: 1 : Exhibit continues until September 27. City Centre Aquatic Complex I I Hours: Monday-Saturday @ 12 noon-Spm 1210 Pinetree Way : 1 Thursday evening @ Spm—8pm Coquitlam, BC 1 : For more information contact: ! = 604) 927-6999 ! Evergreen Cultural Centre ies : A SECOND EN : : 1205 Pinetree Wa I ‘ ‘ oe en a s eauese eatgs 3 p.m. till closing | Loquitlam, Bi I Dine in only 7 DAYS I (604) 927-6550 J ‘One coupon per two people i ‘Show Douglas College ID when ordering A WE E K I y ‘Coupon not valid with any 2 y__ other promotion Dinner only : September 16 1998 Page 3 x\ 2 we be) 7\s