The Other Press October 14th to 28th 1982 Casa Blancas Other Pressers Gerry Oik« 27 Church Street, New Westminister gl look ‘onl some of New 1 f or a ditterent experience why not try Casa Blancas? [his place is very clean and one of the most unique pubs " ! have gone to. There is even + dance floor. One thing you ehidtidine ut 7 et , Pa as 4 should remember betore Bates. Sega ere going to this place is that ile aaiaaiae | you are required to be properly aressed, which is Checked tor at the front aoor Iso, it is not open until 8:00 ee p.m . pud for the young and old; open day and night. A The College Place Sarat . place is situated 7th anéCarnarvon, New beside the bar, which, makes eee eee good food. The pubis nicely set up, with a pleasant decor and with two large screens (M.T.V.J, one init’s own seperate room. The outside parking could have been beeter: Thad a hard tim Deine orlae Photos & text by Gerry Oikawa.