As a direct result of this process, we identifled several areas of our operations which can be Improved. We are happy to report that many actlons have already been taken to address these concerns. Through the development of new strategic planning activities, and the Involvement of all levels of the college - Including the Board - many other problem areas Identified by the Self-Study are belng addressed. The college faculty and administratlon have begun to work Jointly on the development of both program and personne! evaluation systems, as ameans of assuring high quality programs and Instruction. The Self-Study process Identifled severa! Instltutlonal strengths: (a) a community survey Indicated that we are well Known and respected In the community. (b) a survey of graduates Indicated that they are performing well, whether at work or further studies, and that they have a high regard for college programs and faculty. (c) current students Indicate that thelr decislon to attend the college was Influenced by the reputation of the faculty. (d) the External Audit Team has commented that college employees - faculty and staff - are committed to the needs of our students, and are working hard to see that those needs are met. (e) the External Audit Team has confirmed the solid community links that the college has estab! Ished through Its Involvement In community economic development studies and assoclatlons, other Joint college and community projects, cooperative education programs, and other activities. The full text of the External Audit Team report has been provided to your Ministry. PROGRAM RANGE The college has malntalned its commitment to a broad curriculum that coordinates well with nelghbourling Institutions. Current offerings represent a mix of academic, applied, developmental and community education programs. One glaring om!lsslon, however, Is In shop based and technical programs. The college recognizes that the Impact of the restraint program, and _—* changing training needs of the loca! communlty and the I