MAD HATTER 5 POLICY STATEMENT TIRE: Co-Operative Education Policy Regarding Credits EFFECTIVE DATE: January 16, 1986 NEW POLICY 1. Policy Statement: Douglas College will award credits for the successful completion of the work term(s) in any program or discipline which provides a co-operative education option for students. (a) Students registering in a Co-operative Education program will receive 15 Douglas College credits for the successful completion of each work-tern. (b) Fees for the work-term will be assessed by the credit at the rale which exists at the time the work-torm occurs. (c) Credits awarded for work-terms will be in addition “o the ecademic credits required for the comsletion of eny citation certificate or diploma. These credits may not be amassed as a portion of any citation, certificate or dipioma, unless a work-term is specified as a requirement. (d) Work-term credits are non-transferable except jin cases where block transfer has been negotiated with Co-operative Education programs at other post-secondary institutions. Implementation responsibility: Director, Student Services and Developmental Eaucation Appeal procedure: | Appeals Committee Approved: College Board - January 16, 1986 Educational Policy & Planning Committee - November 13, 1984, Senior Management Committee - September 24, 1965