SF h ougla College atter Monday, October 15, 1979 3 DEVELOPMENT DAY-ADMISSIONS Please be advised that the Admissions Division will be holding a Development Day on Friday, 79-11-02. As a result all campus Admissions Offices will have only minimal service and staffing for that one day. vee ot Ken Battersby HOCKEY EQUIPMENT WANTED Wanted - used hockey equipment for 2 boys ages 9 and 10. Contact oe" at Newton Centre. COLLEGE WIDE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEE TING Wednesday, October 17, 1979 -- 4 - 5:30 p.m. -- N.W. campus room 103 (Please be sure your department is represented - it is your committee and your money!!) JOB OPPORTUNITIES DEAN OF INSTRUCTION; Fairview College - Applicants should submit a resume, including names and addresses of reference to: Dr. Fred J. Speckeen, President, Box 3000, Fairview College, Fairview, AB TOH 1L0., Alberta DIRECTOR OF STUDENT AUXILIARY SERVICES; Oregon Institute of Tech- nology = Interested and qulaified persons are invited to direct in- uiries regarding the position to: . eee ; - more - is