Ty - ( r err is human, and the February 4th to 18th 1982: eS ‘The Other Press ‘Other Press is, (surprise, gasp, shock, dismay), human. In the December 10th, 1981, edition of the OP* Douglas College President, Kevin Hallgate, was quoted as citing five points; in reality, he cited only four. The fifth point, and we must admit that this caused oo a chuckle around the OP* was item 5:‘‘Other euphoriants should not be smoked at council meetings before important dances where violence is likely to occur.”’ This minor misprint slip- ped through without our noticing it, (honestly, we didn’t see it). If we had seen this immoral strang- ling of the truth (there are no members of the Student Society known to smoke euphoriants. Nome.), we would not have put it in. Nor would we have put in the quote from Seana Hamilton in the same article, where Hamilton was quoted as saying, ‘‘We were burnt_out from a week of protesting and drinking.’’ This, too, is inaccurate. The Student Society didn’t drink that week. u foe In Light Of Recent ES Have Your Veiws On Capital Punishment Been Shaken, And How ?? osttm ae ~ by Christie Rogers An enraged DCSS member, Seana Hamilton stormed out of the OPoffice one morning after confronting the editor with the appalling ineptitude displayed in the editorial. After calm- _ ing down in the DCSS office, she ex- plained some of the events that had been going on... ,‘l have just come back from a Canadian Federation of STudents Pacific conference. A lot of things “were accomplished in thé continuing of student protest against cutbacks. |, come back to Douglas College, pick up an OP, and find out that | am considered to be apathetic. | had no idea that people felt this way. | am taking this very personally. Everyone here has been putting a lot of effort in, and all this article shows is a lack of competence in the area of journal- ism. We weren’t even here, and we were not approached before.’’ In The Other Corner,the question of D-C-S:S: Vice - Get your facts straight! whether the DCSS represents the students is an extension of the apathy expressed in the editorial. “Words cannot begin to express how bad | feel right now. To come from a productive atmosphere at the conference to DC and find out that I’m not even doing the job I’m here for is very upsetting. As far as ‘‘do | feel | represent the DC student,’’ | have to say: definitely! | wouldn’t have done what | had done, (holding ‘protest day’), or have gone to the | conference if | hadn’t felt that | rep- resented the students. There is a large gap of communication between the Douglas college student and the DCSS. Certainly, we will be making efforts in the future to try and over- come this. If the student is .ever going to be aware of what is happen- ing in the DCSS, there will need to be a more mutual effort between the DCSS and OP.! look forward to avoiding instances like this.’’ continued from page 4 did not buy gifts. Isimply paid my rent and utilities President Seana wee that the student * who stole my wallet (yes! in Hamilton during the cafeteria-you know who you are) is proud of them- “week of protest’”’| |selves. The wallet was found on Main St. and {55th Ave. Needless to say - without a penny in it. No | last November. | attend Douglas College full time and live on a ‘“‘borrowed”’ allowance until | hope to get a teacher’s certificate in two years time | am still very grateful. Thank You .} M.J. Orr a Bill Blanchard: ‘You better believe | have, they should bring back cap- ' ital punishment so that crime slayings won’t hap- pen. We should have full T.V.coverage of public hangings so that the people thinking of committing a crime can see what will happen to them...a guy like Olson can get away with murder.’’ : 7 Jackie Coombs: ‘think -he (Olson) should be shot. | don’t care what é. e way, but he should be kill- ‘ * ed.” Bettyann Seim: ‘“‘| have always believed in the death penalty. A life for 3 Jac denHollander: _ “‘l never have believed in ~ capital punishment. | don’t _ think anyone should have the right to kill. What should change is the justice system.”’ $ is reserved solely for th