INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / February 4, 1992 WOW continued rom page? 6. 80% of all office waste is high-grade a white paper. Can you help us? The INSIDE is doing a survey of its distribution. Would you please fill out this form and send it to the The Inside Editor, Public Information Office. - 7. Paper fibers can be reused as many as 6 or 7 times before disintegrating. Name 8. There are a total of 49 grades and another 31 specialty grades of was- tepaper. Department 9. Wastepaper is considered raw material in the manufacturing of boses, tissues, fine paper, food boxes, egg cartons, greeting cards and building products. Our department needs to receive more copies of the INSIDE. 10. The current collection rate of recycled paper in the United States is nearly 30% compared with 52% in japan and other industrialized na- tions. Experts project a collection rate increase in the US to just 34.6% by the year 2000.4 We are receiving too many copies of the INSIDE. if your department mails the INSIDE to people outside the college, we can make your job easier. Just give us the names and addresses and we'll add them to our mailing list. Call Christine at 5324. FP Ce Ow was ee Se coset ess sone sel wesaceaneesewaesn’ Gota computer © problem? he Systems Tard Com- puting Departmentg has opened | he drop-in diy == & room in Room ~ 1114. Open Monday through Friday, 8 am ey to 2 pm, the room is staffed to help you POP BISEER| Fy with computerrelated problems. This afd \oor ; can be information on how to format a a diskette, use a faculty workroom, fix a problem in a student lab, transfer a file CN eRe from your Data General account to a *5 Farcus Cartoons Inc. 1990 disk, or we can provide a shoulder to cry on when that critical WordPerfect docu- i'm telling ya, the inflation cycle ment you were working on vanishes begins here. suddenly from your machine. Contact the Systems and Computing receptionist for more information at 9 local 5330. &